Number of items at this level: 16.
Abdullah A S A , Almutairi (2023) The Qur’anic approach in rehabilitation of the behavioural disorders and criminal tendencies: Applied study on rehabilitation centre for repentant in Kuwait / Abdullah A S A AlMutairi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahmad Zakwan, Mohd Fadzil (2018) Analisis konsep ketuhanan dalam Buddhisme menurut perspektif Islam / Ahmad Zakwan Mohd Fadzil. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ali Zeinelabdin Elhusseini , Sayed Ahmed Zayed (2019) Difference of opinions amongst the neo jurists of the Shafi’i is School of thought and its factors: A descriptive and analytical study / Ali Zeinelabdin Elhusseini Sayed Ahmed Zayed. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chin , Tih-Tih (1993) Pengaruh dan kesan pergerakan-pergerakan Pentecostalisme dan Karismatik ke atas gereja-gereja di Petaling Jaya dan Kuala Lumpur: Satu kajian ke atas perubahan dalam pemikiran dan kebudayaan keagamaan Kristian / Chin Tih-Tih. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Edi Yanto , Muhammad Ali (2006) Proses mencari 'Illah dalam menentukan hukum: Kajian teori berasaskan usul Syafi'i / Edi Yanto Muhammad Ali. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kharsan Mohamed , Abdullah (2015) Divine attributes in al-Kashshaf by al-Zamakshari (538H) and Mafatih al-Ghayb by al-Razi (606H): Explanation and criticism / Kharsan Mohamed Abdullah. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Malek, Baharuddin (1999) Doktrin dosa warisan di dalam agama kristian dari perspektif roman katholik : suatu analisis / Baharuddin Malek. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mariam , Abdul Rahman (2018) Penggunaan neraca berfikir al-Ghazali pada menilai pemikiran Shiah Ismailiyyah Batiniyyah Ta‘limiyyah tentang sumber al-Ma‘rifah dalam kitab al-Qistas al-Mustaqim / Mariam Abdul Rahman. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Nasir , Utut (2018) Pemikiran Zainal Abidin bin Muhammad al-Fatani tentang azab kubur: Kajian terhadap kitab Kasyf al-Ghaybiyyāt / Mohd Nasir Utut. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Nur Akmal Zakiah , Ahmad (2023) Stres dalam amalan pemulihan oleh pengamal pemulihan kes penyelewengan agama di Selangor / Nur Akmal Zakiah Ahmad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Nurul Akmal , Zolkepli (2019) Pendekatan dakwah kepada non-Muslim di Brunei: Kajian terhadap Pusat Da’wah Islamiah Negara Brunei Darussalam / Nurul Akmal Zolkepli. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Radzi , Kamaludin (2023) Kasyaf menurut perspektif Tasawuf: Kajian fenomena di Malaysia / Radzi Kamaludin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sathiavany , Madhavan (1981) The development of the Sai Baba movement and it is various intrepretations (In Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya) / Sathiavany Madhavan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Thuraya , Ahmad (2018) Archaic words in English translation of book al-Libas of sahih al-Bukhari: Muhammad Muhsin Khan's translation as a case study / Thuraya Ahmad. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Uthman Sulaiman , Zakariyya (2018) The nature of Christ in the holy Quran: An analytical and critical study of the Evangelists’ modern approaches in Nigeria / Uthman Sulaiman Zakariyya. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zaim Muzhafar , Abu Hasan (2019) Cabaran penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah berkaitan ajaran sesat: Kajian di Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur / Zaim Muzhafar Abu Hasan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
This list was generated on Sat Sep 14 21:23:41 2024 MYT.