Number of items at this level: 55.
Alijah, Ujang (2016) Pembangunan modul pembelajaran webquest pendidikan kesihatan untuk guru pelatih murid bermasalah pembelajaran / Alijah Ujang. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Asfadilla , Ibrahim (2019) Kesan pendekatan integrasi terhadap kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah bagi topik isu alam sekitar / Asfadilla Ibrahim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Bavani , Nageswana Row (2018) Uptake of skillfull thinking infusion among selected year four science teachers through steps / Bavani Nageswana Row. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Chin , Jia Min (2020) Effects of using picture books on reading self perception among year two National- Type Chinese School Pupils / Chin Jia Min. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Dalwinder Kaur, Jaswant Singh (2018) Development of a flipped professional module for ESL primary school teachers / Dalwinder Kaur Jaswant Singh. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Fazura, Mohd Noor (2018) Penaakulan perkadaran dalam kalangan murid Tahun Lima tentang nisbah dan kadaran / Fazura Mohd Noor. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan , Hwee San (2020) Effects of Jigsaw cooperative approach on Year Five Pupils’ higher order thinking skills in science / Gan Hwee San. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hoi , Sim Min (2018) Pemahaman guru matematik Tahun Enam tentang pembahagian nombor bulat / Hoi Sim Min. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Jamaliah , Kassim @ Abu Seman (2020) Hubungan gaya keibubapaan dengan kemahiran sosial kanak-kanak prasekolah di Daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor / Jamaliah Kassim @ Abu Seman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jamuna , Kanniappan (2020) Primary school pupils’ perceptions on narrative model essays in an ESL classroom / Jamuna Kanniappan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jeyasingam, Govindaraj (2017) The development of an instrument to assess primary school mathematics teachers’ values in teaching fractions / Jeyasingam Govindaraj. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Jeyasushma , Veeriah (2017) The relationship between principal transformational leadership practices, teacher organizational commitment, and school culture in Primary Cluster Schools in Selangor / Jeyasushma Veeriah. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Kavitha , Karbal Singh (2020) Effectiveness of virtual manipulative teaching method in enhancing year four pupils’ understanding of fractions / Kavitha Karbal Singh. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kavitha , Maslamany (2020) Year five pupils’ mental model of environment / Kavitha Maslamany. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Lai , Mei Lan (2019) Integration of interactive whiteboard technology in teaching primary science / Lai Mei Lan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Leka , Sendereprakasam (2019) Pelaksanaan kelas pemulihan Bahasa Melayu dalam kemahiran literasi membaca di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil di Selangor / Leka Sendereprakasam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Lim , Wee Pu (2020) Faktor yang mempengaruhi kebolehan perwakilan ikonik dan simbolik murid tahun empat dalam nombor pecahan di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina / Lim Wee Pu. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Low , Sai Kit (2004) A web-based tool to support jigsaw collaborative learning technique / Low Sai Kit. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Loy, Chee Luen (2011) Boneka sebagai alat pedagogi dalam pengajaran kanak-kanak prasekolah / Loy Chee Luen. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Ma, Fei Fan (2016) The effects of planning conditions on Chinese primary school ESL pupils’ narrative writing / Ma Fei Fan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Manivannan , Subramaniam (2017) Pemahaman murid tahun lima tentang luas segi empat / Manivannan Subramaniam. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Hashim, Roshara'Madan (2015) Pemahaman murid tahun lima tentang akhlak / Roshara'Madan b Mohd Hashim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Zarawi, Mat Nor (2012) Pola penyeliaan praktikum guru bimbingan dan kaunseling sekolah rendah / Mohd Zarawi Mat Nor. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Ngeh , Hoong Eng (2017) Strategi pembelajaran aksara piktofonetik Cina dalam kalangan pelajar Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina / Ngeh Hoong Eng. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Norbaity Hariani , Muhammad (2004) Interactive 3D multimedia courseware in mathematics for primary school children (3DML) / Norbaity Hariani Muhammad. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nur Aliah Izzaty , Hisamudin (2019) Penggunaan kaedah didik hibur untuk pembelajaran matematik dalam kalangan murid Sekolah Rendah Taman Sri Rampai / Nur Aliah Izzaty Hisamudin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Nurhuda @ Nurul Huda, Chedo (2012) Penguasaan kosa kata asas Bahasa Melayu di dalam kalangan murid tahun satu di Sekolah Siam Ban Khorlogaway, Narathiwat: Kajian kes / Nurhuda @ Nurul Huda Chedo. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Nurul Adzha, Ghazali (2018) Pelaksanaan e-Book dalam subjek Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Rendah Di Kemaman, Terengganu / Nurul Adzha Ghazali. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Nurulrabihah , Mat Noh (2020) Pembangunan model pengajaran pemikiran reka bentuk sekolah rendah / Nurulrabihah Mat Noh. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Pavethira , Seloraji (2018) Impact of statistical reasoning learning environment model using tinkerplots on year five students’ statistical reasoning / Pavethira Seloraji. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Piriya , Somasundram (2018) A cognitive model of year five pupils’ algebraic thinking / Piriya Somasundram. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Preena Nair , Unnikrishnan (2020) Exploration of critical literacy with an English graphic novel among year four pupils / Preena Nair Unnikrishnan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Punithan , Shanmugam (2020) Positive traits, PERMA and well-being of ESL teachers in primary schools / Punithan Shanmugam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Quek, Weng Kim (2010) Kebergantungan skor ujian karangan Bahasa Cina murid Tahun Enam Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan / Quek Weng Kim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Rahmad Sukor , Ab. Samad (2016) Penilaian keberkesanan pengurusan sekolah rendah di Semenanjung Malaysia berdasarkan model pengurusan berasaskan sekolah (PBS) / Rahmad Sukor Ab. Samad. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Rhubhambikhei , Murugan (2020) Use of student teams-achievement divisions approach in science for verbal interactions and performance among year four pupils / Rhubhambikhei Murugan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sandhya Hari , Mohan Ratti (2004) Web-based e-Learning system science year one explore science and math / Sandhya Hari Mohan Ratti. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Seyedeh Ghazal , Ghalebandi (2020) Children’s practices and engagement in e-Reading for pleasure: A case study of a Malaysian Primary School / Seyedeh Ghazal Ghalebandi. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sharifah Aini, Syed Tahir (2020) Hubungan penglibatan ibu bapa dengan tingkah laku prososial kanak-kanak empat tahun / Sharifah Aini Syed Tahir. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sharmilla, Palanisamy (2020) Effectiveness of mayer’s problem solving model with visual representation teaching strategy in enhancing year four pupils’ mathematical problem solving ability / Sharmilla Palanisamy. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Shidatul Emma , Hasan (2003) Pakej pembelajaran matematik tahap rendah (Tahun 1-3) / Shidatul Emma Hasan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Suzy , Mohamed (2019) Konsepsi isi padu kuboid dalam kalangan murid tahun lima / Suzy Mohamed. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Syaheela Atikah , Hashmi (2020) Makna numeral Hindu Arab murid tahun empat / Syaheela Atikah Hashmi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
T. Gewa , S Thuraisingam (2020) Impact of i-think Maps on the flow of ideas and writing performance of year five pupils / T. Gewa S Thuraisingam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tang , Hock Ching (2020) Use of virtual learning environment on Malay language vocabulary acquisition among primary school remedial pupils / Tang Hock Ching. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Teoh , Boon Kiau (2020) Kesan kaedah inkuiri terhadap perolehan kemahiran proses sains / Teoh Boon Kiau. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tiong , Kim Yew (2019) Kesan latihan pliometrik dan gelang elastik ke atas prestasi pukulan lob badmintan murid tahun 6 di sebuah sekolah di Petaling Jaya / Tiong Kim Yew. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tisha Nair, Balakrishnan (2018) Teacher talk patterns in classroom interaction in English at a Tamil Primary School / Tisha Nair Balakrishnan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tracy Lee , Yi Ning (2020) Translanguaging in the multilingual classroom of a National-type (Chinese) Primary School in Malaysia / Tracy Lee Yi Ning. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Triyo, Supriyatno (2015) Akhlak guru besar Sekolah Rendah Islam di Malang Indonesia / Triyo Supriyatno. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Wan Mohd Zuhairi, Wan Abdullah (2017) Evidens pentaksiran sekolah dalam pengajaran Bahasa Arab Sekolah Rendah / Wan Mohd Zuhairi Wan Abdullah. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Wan Noor Adzmin, Mohd Sabri (2017) Pelaksanaan amalan kepemimpinan kolaboratif dalam kalangan pemimpin instruksional bagi memperkasakan pendidikan matematik sekolah rendah / Wan Noor Adzmin Mohd Sabri. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Yamin, Normah (1999) Hubungkaitan penilaian perkara asas fardu ain (PAFA) dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) / Normah Yamin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yu , Lei Tao (2021) An analysis of primary school children’s drawings based on Wilsons’ Seven Principles / Yu Lei Tao. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zakaria, Othman (2016) Kepimpinan instruksional guru besar di sekolah kurang murid / Zakaria Othman. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 02:17:05 2025 MYT.