Number of items at this level: 511.
A. R. Nair, Siva Subramanian (2001) The education and training of chartered accountants in Malaysia / Siva Subramanian a/l A.R. Nair. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
A. Rashid, Mokhtar (2004) Comparative study on relationship between compensation policy and level of organisational commitment / Mokhtar A. Rashid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Abd Basar, Mohd Nor (2003) The buying intention of the buying centres in the manufacturing industry, Klang Valley / Mohd Nor bin Abd Basar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abd. Rahman, Nazirruddin (2001) Technology, globalization and liberalization : the effectiveness of Pos Malaysia Berhad to meet challenges / Nazirruddin Abd. Rahman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Jalil, Jafri (1996) Asean free trade area : potential problems and prospects / Jafri Abdul Jalil. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Kadir, Kamaliah (1997) Review of performance ET Shoppe Sdn. Bhd. / Kamaliah Abdul Kadir. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Kadir, Mohd Ridzwan (1999) Monetary policy and inflation in Malaysia / Mohd Ridzwan Abdul Kadir. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Kareem, Abdul Farid (2013) Determinant attributes influencing retail pharmacy selection by Malaysian consumers / Abdul Farid Abdul Kareem. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Rashid, Fakri (2010) Web-based supply chain management capabilities in Malaysian firms and its effect on firm's performance : an empirical study / Fakri bin Abdul Rashid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Rasit, Zarinah (2013) Comprehensive performance measurement system and job performance : influence of role stress, organisational commitment and locus of control / Zarinah Abdul Rasit. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Samad, Muhammad (2014) Etika perniagaan dari perspektif Islam : kajian terhadap peniaga Aceh terpilih di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur / Muhammad Abdul Samad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul'Ahed, Muqeddes (2011) Religiosity and hotel selection / Muqeddes Abdul'Ahed. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Baharin Salim (2000) A comparative analysis of conventional banking system and islamic banking system in Malaysia in relation to loan repayments / Baharin Salim @ Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abdullah, Mazni (2003) A study on compliance issues in service tax and customs duties / Mazni binti Abdullah. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Abu Bakar, Nur Barizah (2013) Disclosure of accountability information in Public Sector Annual Report : the case of Malaysian Federal Statutory Bodies / Nur Barizah Abu Bakar. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Abu Bakar, Raida (2002) An empirical analysis of the relationship between training and organizational commitment : a study of organizations in Malaysia / Raida Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abu Bakar, Ramlee (1999) Corporatisation of Felcra and its challenges / Ramlee Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Adam, Suliman (2001) Retail customers' perception towards internet banking in Malaysia / Suliman Adam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Adnan, Burhan (2000) Consumer behavior and religiosity of muslim community in Klang Valley : consumer perception on halal and non halal in products and services / Burhan Adnan. Masters thesis, iversiti Malaya.
Afida Nor, Said (2012) Religiosity and the perception on the service quality in islamic banking industry in Malaysia / Afida Nor Said. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Aghaei, Ali (2011) Privatization and firms performance : evidence from Iran / Ali Aghaei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahamad Zainal Badri, Shamsul Bahar (2005) Outsourcing of bank branch delivery network : a feasibility study for Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad / Shamsul Bahar bin Ahamad Zainal Badri. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahamad Zainal Badri, Shamsul Bahar (2005) Outsourcing of bank branch delivery network : a feasibility study for Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad / Shamsul Bahar bin Ahamad Zainal Badri. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahmad, Ahmad Faizal (2003) Institutionalization of ISO 9000 system implementation in Mecomb Malaysia Sdn Bhd / Ahmad Faizal Ahmad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmad, Awang Zulkifli (2005) Factors contributing toward expatriate failure in Malaysian firms / Awang Zulkifli bin Ahmad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahmad, Shreen (2001) Key factors predicting the effectiveness of organizational change / Shreen Ahmad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmad Zamie, azis (2020) Challenges in e-tendering implementation in Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia / Ahmad Zamie Azis. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmed, Zafar (2000) Health care financing in Malaysia / Dr. Zafar Ahmed. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahmed Khan, Syed Sabeer Ali (2001) Job-related ethics of four-star hotel employees in Kuala Lumpur / Syed Sabeer Ali Ahmed Khan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Al-Tholaya, Abdulla Mohamed Hamoud (2013) Governmental accounting innovation in Yemen : the introduction of accruals accounting & the moderating role of e-government / Abdulla Mohamed Hamoud Al-Tholaya. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Ali, Aisah (2004) ISO 9000 system implementation : impact on employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and motivation in manufacturing, finance and government sector / Aisah Ali. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Alias, Jaafar (1990) Perlindungan pengguna dibawah Akta Sewa Beli: Kajian Kes di Kampung Bandar, Banting, Kuala Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan / Alias Jaafar. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Aminudin, Nor Aizurawati (2000) Corporate performance and ownership structure : a comparative analysis between Bumiputera and Non-Bumiputera controlled companies / Nor Aizurawati Aminudin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ang, Gim Wah (2010) A study on the determinants of behavioral intention towards using mobile banking services in Malaysia / Ang Gim Wah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ang, Sae Haou (2005) The role of internal audit towards corporate governance development in Malaysia / Ang Sae Haou. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Ang, Soon Yong (2013) Adoption of clarified international standard of auditing (ISAs) and international standard of quality control (ISQC) in small and medium practice (SMP) in Malaysia / Ang Soon Yong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ang, Yen Chui; Chong, Cynthia Chew Yee (2005) The effect of domestic bank mergers on the performance of Malaysian banks / Ang Yen Chui, Cynthia Chong Chew Yee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Anthony, Catherine Peter (2003) Bank loan review : a study of RHB Bank Berhad / Catherine Peter Anthony. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Anwarruddin Shah, Hezan Shah (2011) Value versus growth stocks in Malaysia / Anwarruddin Shah bin Hezan Shah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Appannan, Jeya Santhini (2012) A study on audit fees : Evidence from listed companies in Malaysia / Jeya Santhini Appannan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Arasan, Santhi (2000) Day of the week effect in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, 1994-1998 / Santhi Arasan. Masters thesis, University Malaya.
Arjunan, Sugunadevi (2000) An evaluation on project financing under Islamic Banking / Sugunadevi Arjunan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Arumugam G., Sithamparam (2017) Non-tariff measures and exports: The Malaysian case / Arumugam G. Sithamparam. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Asgari, Mohammadreza (2012) Internationalization of Malaysian service firms / Mohammadreza Asgari. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Atabekov, Burkhon (2003) A comparative study of corporate disclosure practices in Malaysia and Uzbekistan : pharmaceutical industry / Burkhon Atabekov. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Aw, Mee Wah (1997) Measuring unit trust fund performance using different benchmarks / Aw Mee Wah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Awalludin, Azahar (2001) Study on complaint handling system in Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan Harta Benda, University of Malaya / Azahar bin Awalludin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Awang Kader, Mohd Aidil (2009) Measuring information system perfomance in public sector : a case study in Pahang State Education Department / Mohd Aidil Riduan bin Awang Kader. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Azlan, Amran (2002) An empirical investigation of the effect of quarterly reporting requirement on the timeliness of corporate annual reporting / Azlan Amran. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Azura Hanim, Hashim (2018) The relationship between religiosity, halal perception and intention to purchase halal food products: A comparative study between Arab Muslim and Non-Arab Muslim consumers / Azura Hanim Hashim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Bagheri, Mohammad (2012) Luxury consumer behavior in Malaysia : Quiet brands versus loud brands / Mohammad Bagheri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Battour, Mohamed Mohamed Kamal (2011) The impact of Islamic attributes of destination on tourists' motivation, satisfaction and destination loyalty / Mohamed Mohamed Kamal Battour. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Bhatti, Muhammad Awais (2010) Training transfer and transfer motivation : the influence of individual, environmental, situational, traning design and affective reaction factors / Muhammad Awais Bhatti. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Bian, Linlin (2012) An empirical study on factors that influencing the adoption of electronic human resource management (E-HRM) among firms in northeast of China / Bian Linlin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Borhani, Mina (2011) Personality characteristics as antecedents of word of mouth in travel industry : comparison of online versus offline environment / Mina Borhani. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chaghervand, Amirali Moeini (2011) The firm-specific determinants of corporate debt maturity : a study of Malaysian firms / Amirali Moeini Chaghervand. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chan, Chew Choo (2001) Application of soft system methodology in a planned organisational change : a case study on CHS Ind. Bhd. / Chan Chew Choo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Chan, Kok Lai (1997) A study on the development of retail space in shopping complexes in the Klang Valley / Chan Kok Lai. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chan, Ming Ming (2010) What happens after ERP implementation : understanding the impact of IS sophistication, interdependence and differentiation on plant-level outcomes / Chan Ming Ming. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chan, See Yan (2000) Banking crisis in Malaysia : causes, recovery measures taken and their effectiveness / Chan See Yan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chan, Tsuey Wah (2004) The growth of countertrade : causes and consequences / Chan Tsuey Wah. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Chan , See Yan (2001) Consumers' awareness of internet banking - a survey in Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh / Chan See Yan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Che Embi, Nor Azizan (2000) The performance of Bumiputera-controlled companies at the KLSE, before and during the currency crisis / Nor Azizan Che Embi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Cheah, Chee Wei (2013) The factors that motivate residential property investments in Klang Valley / Cheah Chee Wei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Cheah, Swee Gaik (2001) Attitudinal linkages between time, food shopping and meal preparation : a study of urban Malaysian married women / Cheah Swee Gaik. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Cheah, Yee Nin (2011) A study of consumers' global brand attitudes in Malaysia / Cheah Yee Nin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chee, Foong Seng (2001) The strategic management of a large scale information technology project in the financial services sector / Chee Foong Seng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chee, Woh Chen (1998) Announcement effect of the trading suspension in the KLSE / Chee Woh Chen. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chelliah, C. Thaneswary (2002) Bond rating of upgrades and downgrades : the impact on stock returns / C.Thaneswary Chelliah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Cheng, Siew Yee (2011) Employees' brand commitment in the service industry : luxury hotel chains in Malaysia / Cheng Siew Yee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Cheong, Hui Lu (2011) Environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours : a cross cultural study of Malaysian consumers / Cheong Hui Lu. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Cheong, Khai Fan (2004) A study of customer relationship management in the automobile industry in Malaysia / Cheong Khai Fan @ Kai Pan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Cheong, Yee Sum (2003) Business-government relations : a comparative study of Malaysian and South Korean experience after the Asian financial crisis / Cheong Yee Sum. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Cheong , Yee Sum (2003) Business-government relations : a comparative study of Malaysian and South Korean experience after the Asian financial crisis / Cheong Yee Sum. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Chew, Chong Sin (2002) Challenges facing by Malaysian SMEs in an increasingly liberalised and globalised economy / Chew Chong Sin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chew, Hin Ban (1999) Evolution of telecommunications industry. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITI MALAYA.
Chew, Hock Poon (2002) "Would bond market be a more viable investment alternative to the stock market?" / Chew Hock Poon. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chew , Shiau Ping (2021) Trade analysis among ASEAN, Japan, Korea and China / Chew Shiau Ping. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chia, Chin Kuan (2003) Bond market volatility versus stock market volatility in Malaysia / Chia Chin Kuan. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Chia, Yew Hoong (2001) Re-engineering of the quality assurance process using work study methodology / Chia Yew Hoong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chin, Kian Hoong (2010) The antecedents of initial trust on intention to purchase online in Malaysia / Chin Kian Hoong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chin, Wai Kitt (2005) The performance of initial public offering (IPOs) in Malaysia, 2002 to 2005 / Chin Wai Kitt. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chit , Kwung See (2000) Online flowers and gifts shop / Chit Kwung See. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Andrew Hon Ming (2010) The effect of firm characteristics on capital structure : an empirical study / Chong Hon Ming (Andrew). Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chong, Chee Khen (2000) Computerised accounting system usage in small and medium companies / Chong Chee Khen. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chong, Chien Hwa; Kho, Puay Eng (2002) Evidence of short-run persistence in unit trusts performance in Malaysia / Chong Chien Hwa and Kho Puay Eng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Kean Woon (2010) White supremacy culture : a barrier to career upward mobility for Malaysian employees in Multinational Corporations (MNCs)? / Chong Kean Woon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Kei Loong (2012) Effective and efficiency of credit control management : a case study on Engtex Group Berhad / Chong Kei Loong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Ming Kong (1996) The collapse of Barings Plc / Chong Ming Kong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chong, Yen Wan. (1999) The currency crisis 1997-99 / Chong Yen Wan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Choo, Chih Tung (2010) Investment performance of domestic and international equity funds in Malaysia / Choo Chih Tung. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Choo, Hee Sing (2001) Asean free trade area and implications on the iron and steel industry in Malaysia / Choo Hee Sing. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Choo, Louis Ooi Thong (1999) A study of job satisfaction among salespersons in Klang Valley / Louis Choo Ooi Thong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Choong, Choon Ming (1995) Development of telecommunication services in Malaysia / by Choong Choon Ming. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Choong, Kam Yee (1995) Diversification and export earnings instability in Malaysia, 1968-1991 / Choong Kam Yee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Choong, Nyuk Fee (2000) Managing challenges and changes : developing business strategies in local hotel industry / Choong Nyuk Fee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chow, Sweet Fun (2010) A study on full service restaurants' attributes and the key determinants of customer satisfaction behavioural intention / Chow Sweet Fun. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chua, Eric Kim Geok (1999) Financial strategies for power companies in managing exchange risks / Eric Chua Kim Geok. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chuah, Guat Mey (2003) Marketing to retirees in Malaysia : a study of shopping habits and retail needs / Chuah Guat Mey. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chuah, Toon Hong (1999) The use of internet for business : opportunities and challenges / Chuah Toon Hong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Damodaran, Devika (1995) Electronic data interchange : a Malaysian experience - a tool of trade at Port Klang Community System (PKCS) / by Devika Damodaran. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Daud, Kamaruddin (1998) Kajian terhadap tahap motivasi petugas-petugas kaunter di sektor awam / oleh Kamaruddin bin Daud. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
De Cruz, Adeline (1995) Factors influencing food retailers in their choice of suppliers / Adeline De Cruz. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Doman, Steven (2010) Investor knowledge and investment barriers / Steven Doman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Dong , Hanghang (2023) Services trade performance in China: An empirical analysis / Dong Hanghang. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Doraisamy, Devadoss (2000) Employees provident fund : a study on the adequacy of benefits provided to its members / Devadoss Doraisamy. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ebrahimi, Nazli (2009) The effect of culture and perceived quality of work life on accepting new technologies : a comparison study between Iran and Malaysia / Nazli Ebrahimi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ee, Mei Chin (2011) The impact of corporate rebranding on organisation's market value : Malaysian perspective / Ee Mei Chin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Fam, Daphne Sin Ying (2010) Consumer decision-making styles of the three major ethnic groups in Malaysia towards casual wear buying / Daphne Fam Sin Ying. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Farahdel, Farnaz (2011) Islamic attributes and its impact on Muslim tourists' satisfaction : a study of Iran / Farnaz Farahdel. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Fariza Malawati, Abdullah (2010) Factors influencing the adoption of online purchase through blogs in Malaysia / Fariza Malawati Abdullah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Foo, Chii Shia (2010) Macroeconomics stress testing on Malaysia commercial banks' credit portfolios / Foo Chii Shia. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Foo, Mei Yeen (2010) Good news or bad news? informational value of corporate bond rating announcements : the Malaysian perspective / Foo Mei Yeen. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Foon, Hoong Fatt (2004) Compensation policies for hotel, food and beverage department`s employees / Foon Hoong Fatt. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Foong, Swee Sim (2011) Measures and determinants of cost of equity for an emerging market : The case of Malaysian firms \ Foong Swee Sim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
G. M. Shafayet , Ullah (2023) Addressing online hedonic consumers’ privacy concerns and digital addiction in Bangladesh: An extended hedonic-motivation system adoption MODEL / G. M. Shafayet Ullah. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Galahitiyawe, Nilakshi W.K. (2013) Outsourcing success : determining its critical managerial factors in services industry / Nilakshi W.K. Galahitiyawe. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan, Amelia Chai Yee (2012) The influence of consumer value towards the environmental friendly product : the case of non-woven bags / Gan Chai Yee, Amelia. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan, Chee Wei (2002) Internet financial reporting : an investigation of firm characteristics / Gan Chee Wei. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Gan, Kin (2010) Corporate governance, ownership structure and intellectual capital disclosure : evidence from Malaysia / Gan Kin. PhD thesis, University Malaya.
Ghotb, Hamidreza (2011) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in catering industry : the perception of diners and their buying behavior / Hamidreza Ghotb. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Goh, Lily (2003) EVA as an alternative management control system : a case study / Goh Lily. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Goh, Yoke Loong (1995) The motivation of consulting engineers / by Goh Yoke Loong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Govindan, Kaladher (1998) Business process reengineering on a Malaysian Bank / Kaladher Govindan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Govindarajan, Shanmugam (1995) A study of team building circle training programme at Sime Darby Group / by Shanmugam Govindarajan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Granstrom, Kristina (2010) The relationship between lean manufacturing and firm performance : a study of manufacturing companies in Sweden / Kristina Granstrom. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Gun, Pei Leng (2003) A bivariate correlational study between the closing stock price and volatility of trading volume : a test of the weak form efficient market hypothesis on the technology sector KLSE Main Board (June 2000-June 2002) / Gun Pei Leng. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Haghihgy, Tahereh Kazemzadeh (2009) Internet banking technology acceptance model : a focus on Hofstede cultural dimensions / Tahereh Kazemzadeh Haghihgy. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Haji Gapor, Razaili (2002) Locus of control and the intention of being an entrepreneur among managers of Federal Development Authority Malaysia / Razaili bin Haji Gapor. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Haji Zainol, Salina (1995) Hubungan perdagangan antara Aceh, Sumatera Timur dan Pulau Pinang, 1819-1871 / Salina binti Haji Zainol. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Hamzah, Hazalizah (1998) Tekanan kerja dan kemurungan : perbandingan mengikut personaliti dan kerjaya di antara guru, polis dan jururawat di Lembah Kelang / Hazalizah binti Hamzah. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Hamzah, Zulkifli (1995) Motivasi pegawai profesional Jabatan Kerja Raya : satu kajian kes di Ibu Pejabat JKR Malaysia / Zulkifli bin Hamzah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hashim, Izham (1996) The viability of energy dispensing system in Malaysia / Izham b. Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hashim, Zulkarnain (2002) Corporate governance in Malaysia : a descriptive study / Zulkarnain bin Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hassan, Rosli (1996) Stress kerja : kajian kes terhadap kakitangan bahagian kaunter di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara Malaysia (JPN) / Rosli bin Hassan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hazim Hashim, Raja Badrul (2010) The implementation of computerized accounting system as part of the learning process in the Malaysian secondary schools : a survey on accounting teachers in Malaysia / Raja Badrul Hazim Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hemati, Ali (2012) The influence of travel motivations and islamic religiosity on islamic travel preference : a comparison between Muslim Malaysian and Iranian University student / Ali Hemati. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Heng, Chen Wearn (2012) Human resource practices and organizational performance in SMEs in Klang Valley / Heng Chen Wearn. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Herwina, Rosnan (2011) A study of the effect of globalisation on the Malaysian film production industry / Herwina binti Rosnan. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ho, Arison Sel Chuan (2013) Internationalization and capital structures empirical evidence : from Malaysia public listed manufacturing firms / Arison Ho Sel Chuan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ho, Peng Choong (1996) Day-of-the-week effect of Second Board stocks on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange / by Ho Peng Choong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hoh, Li Ching (2003) Conflict diagnostic and resolution : a case study of a Korea conglomerate / Hoh Li Ching. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hooi Shyen, Woon (2002) Information technology evaluation practices among Malaysian banks / Woon, Hooi Shyen. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Hor, Puey Wai (2011) Factors influencing the adoption of risk based internal auditing and its influence on internal auditor's responsiveness to risk management activities in the Malaysian context / Hor Puey Wai. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hun, Seung Shin (1999) The competitiveness of the Malaysia steel industry / Hun Seung Shin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hussain, Husnamaria (2003) Institutionalizing quality culture change at International Islamic University, Malaysia (IIUM) / Husnamaria Hussain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ibraheem Hammood , Mhana (2018) Consumer protection in e-Commerce transactions: A study in Iraqi legislations / Ibraheem Hammood Mhana. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ibrahim, Fatimah (1967) Sources and uses of commercial bank funds in Malaysia 1959-1966 / Fatimah Binti Ibrahim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Imran, Shafique (2016) Leadership styles and corporate entrepreneurship: Small and medium enterprises in Pakistan / Imran Shafique. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Intan Suraya, Hashim (2011) Equity valuation methods of analysts in Malaysia : a study of financial analyst coverage of AirAsia Berhad 2007-2011 / Intan Suraya Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ismail, Norsyima (2012) Self-leadership and organisational innovativeness : The mediating role of innovative behavior and the moderating role of environmental dynamism / Norsyima Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ismail Khan, Norziaton (2013) Internal governance mechanisms and audit fees : the moderating role of political connection and regulatory oversight / Norziaton Ismail Khan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Izahar, Noorlin Azwin (2009) The impact of advertising message strategies : fear appeal versus sex appeal upon consumers' intention to purchase / Noorlin Azwin binti Izahar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Izam Syaharadzi, Ahmad Sofian (2010) Firm value and the tax benefits of debt : a study on public listed company in Malaysia / Izam Syaharadzi bin Ahmad Sofian. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Izleen Rahayu, Ab Rahman (2011) Adoption of cloud computing services in Malaysia : a quantitative study using technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory / Izleen Rahayu binti Ab Rahman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jaafar, Noor Ismawati (2001) Knowledge management system : a case study on MSC companies / Noor Ismawati binti Jaafar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Jaeggi, Remy (2003) Satisfiers and dissatisfiers of expatriates in Malaysia / Remy Jaeggi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Jaganathan, Surendran (2002) Internet usage among medical doctors in Malaysia / Surendran Jaganathan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Jah, Sarjo (2002) An empirical investigation of the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and internal auditors' professional objectivity / Sarjo Jah. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Jalil, Siti Ayu (2001) An analysis of a monetary approach to the balance of payments and exchange rates : the case of Malaysia 1986-1997 / Siti Ayu binti Jalil. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Jarjusey, Baba (1996) Malaysian bond market : problems and prospects / Baba Jarjusey. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jayam, Malini Rama (2011) The relationship between employee recognition, employee engagement and organizational commitment on turnover intention in Malaysia : he mediating role of satisfaction / Malini Rama Jayam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Jingu, Mwamba Ally (2015) The relationship between audit committees, internal controls and audit evidence : Tanzania’s experience / Mwamba Ally Jingu. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
John, Mersy L.; Teo, Meo Sing (2002) The implications of the Malaysia bank merger exercise / Mersy L. John and Teo Meo Sing. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Juliana , Mohamed Abdul Kadir (2017) Impact of Goods and Services Tax on the Malaysian economy / Juliana Mohamed Abdul Kadir. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
K., K. Ranchethamalar (2002) Cash flow statement : an empirical study of voluntary disclosure practices of Malaysian companies / K. Ranchethamalar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
K. Kanniappan, Ravi Varmman (1997) A study on investment climate for Malaysian investors in particular looking at tenure of business and the barriers to investment in Vietnam / Ravi Varmman K. Kanniappan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
K. Subramaniam, Ravichandran (2002) Distributability of profits : an empirical investigation of current practices in Malaysia / Ravichandran K. Subramaniam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kaliaperumal, Suresh (2003) A study on the Malaysian legislations on the corporate governance practices and the extent of compliance by the KLSE listed companies / Suresh Kaliaperumal. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kam, Jin Ken (2001) Capital structure, financing patterns and financial performances of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) companies / Kam Jin Ken. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Kam, Lilian Monica Swee Lian (2002) Job satisfaction of employees in IT organizations with and without ISO 9000 certification / Lilian Monica Kam Swee Lian. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kam, Wendy (2003) Differential reporting / Wendy Kam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamaruddin, Sazali (2002) Employee perception on the implementation of the performance appraisal system at the University of Malaya / Sazali Kamaruddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamisah, Ismail (2011) Intensity of market competition, business strategy, management accounting systems and performance : a case of Malaysian manufacturing firms adopting the integrated manufacturing practices / Kamisah Ismail. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kannan, Bhaskar (2004) Performance of sectors in the Bursa Malaysia Main Board after the East Asian financial crisis / Bhaskar Kannan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kannan, Panir Selvam Kannan (2002) An empirical investigation of the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and internal auditors' professional objectivity : a focus on financial institutions in Malaysia / Panir Selvam Kannan. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Kartina, Abu Bakar (2010) Consumers attitude towards "Mamak" food in Malaysia / Kartina Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Karuppiah, K. Sandra Segaran (2001) Examining the role of increased penalties on tax advisers in improving tax compliance under the self-assessment system / K. Sandra Segaran a/l Karuppiah. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
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Lim, Yan Ne (2000) Price, legislation and demand for gasoline in Malaysia / Lim Yan Ne. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
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Ling, Seng Wah (2002) Better organization's performance in local commercial banking industry through strategic balance strategy / Ling Seng Wah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lo, Walter (2001) EVA evidence on public listed companies in Malaysia / Walter Lo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
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Loh, Han Chuen (2011) Bank efficiency in selected Asean countries : does size matters? / Loh Han Chuen. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
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Low, Soh Ping (2002) An empirical study of relationships between business culture and organizational learning of Malaysian organizations / Low Soh Ping. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Low, Elaine Ning Young (2002) Becoming a learning organization : a case of Malaysian financial institutions / Elaine Low Ning Young. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Low, Mei Peng (2003) Conflict diagnostic and resolution research on a local economic institution / Low Mei Peng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Mohammed Faiz , Shaul Hamid (2017) Utilization of preferential tariffs and its impact on intra-regional trade: The case of Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) / Mohammed Faiz Shaul Hamid. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
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Samuel, Vijayalakshmi Benjamin (2002) An analytical hierarchy process (AHP) assessment of the ISO 14001-based environmental management system in the oil and gas industry in Malaysia / Vijayalakshmi Benjamin Samuel. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
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Seaw, Thiam Chin (2010) Relationship among service quality, food quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions in the Malaysian fast food industry / Seaw Thiam Chin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
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Sharifah Fazlinda, Shaik Ismail (2013) Determinants of open source enterprise systems' adoption in Malaysia through managerial perspectives / Sharifah Fazlinda Shaik Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Siew, Chee Ling (2004) Marketing strategies for Malaysian palm oil in Mexico / Siew Chee Ling. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Sim, Eik Tzu (2003) Conflict diagnostic and resolution : a case study in a property management organisation / Sim Eik Tzu. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Sim, Linda Siew Kian (2013) The effect of working capital management on profitability : evidence from Malaysia / Linda Sim Siew Kian. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Sin, Jane Boon Jiuan (2011) Prediction of non financial firms merger and acquisition : an empirical study of Malaysian firms / Sin Boon Jiuan, Jane. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Sinakalai, Suppayah (2011) An empirical study on volatility in the Malaysian stock market / Suppayah Sinakalai. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Singh, Mulkit (2003) Integrated cost leadership - differentiation strategy : case studies of selected firms in the Malaysian food industry / Mulkit Singh. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Singh, Narishchandrar (1999) An analysis of the existing software quality standards / Narishchandrar Singh. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sinnandavar, Chandra Mohan (2011) The relationship between personality traits and driver job performance : an empirical study of Haulage companies in Peninsular Malaysia / Chandra Mohan a/l Sinnandavar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Siti Hajar, Mohd Hussain (2011) Factors contributing to misconduct among employees in Malaysia / Siti Hajar binti Mohd Hussain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Siti Nur Fazilah, Aziz (2015) Awareness and acceptance of Singaporean Muslims towards Islamic banking products and services / Siti Nur Fazilah Abdul Aziz. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Siva Ahnanthan, Sherena S. (2002) Management of engineering consulting firms in Malaysia : practices and problems / Sherena S. Siva Ahnanthan, Ghee Eng How. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Soh, Chung Kiat (2003) Institutionalising organisational changes in a manufacturing firm / Soh Chung Kiat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Stapa, Ismail (2002) Pembangunan sektor ekonomi informal bandar : kajian tentang penjaja dan penjajaan di Kuala Lumpur / oleh Ismail bin Stapa. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Subramaniam, Balamurugan (2010) Determinants of accuracy in decision making and usage of decision making tools among managers in Malaysia / Balamurugan a/l Subramaniam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Subramaniam, Ravichandran K. (2011) Investment opportunity set and dividend policy in Malaysia : some evidence on the role of government ownership, family ownership, board size and board composition / Ravichandran K. Subramaniam. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
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Sulaiman, Izali (2000) Success & failure of the sewerage privatisation in Malaysia : a management perspective / Izali Sulaiman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
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Suppiah, Ushabhanu (2000) Gender bias in management : a case study in Employees Provident fund (EPF) / Ushabhanu Suppiah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya .
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Susana, Mohd Nasir (2011) Improving bank's attitude towards financing the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) : a case for Malaysia / Susana Mohd Nasir. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Taherizadeh, Seyed Amirhossein (2010) The key drivers of innovation in Malaysia / Seyed Amirhossein Taherizadeh. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tai, Jiuun Hong (2005) Knowledge-based approach to innovation : an application for construction firms in Malaysia / Tai Jiuun Hong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tajudeen, Farzana Parveen (2014) Social media usage and its impact on Malaysian organizations / Farzana Parveen Tajudeen. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Beng Yee (2002) The relationship between ownership structure and firm value in the financial sector / Tan Beng Yee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, George Joo Teh (1999) The inventory and purchasing information system plan for Megasteel Sdn Bhd / George Tan Joo Teh. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan, Heng Kiat (2010) Forex market behaviour : application of high frequency data / Tan Heng Kiat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Tan, Hwei Juin (2001) The impact of service charge on the performance of Unit Trust funds in Malaysia / Tan Hwei Juin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
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Tan, Thiam Keat; Tay, Chai Li (1998) Customer service quality as a competitive strategy in the Malaysian automotive industry / Group research project by: Tan Thiam Keat (Alex) and Tay Chai Li. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan, Vincent Jack Cheong (2003) Examining the financial performance of corporations in construction sector in Malaysia during the 1997 financial and economic crisis / Vincent Tan Jack Cheong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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Wong, Wai Cheng (1999) Creating sustainable competitive advantages in a global environment : a survey of Malaysian advertising agencies / Wong Wai Cheng. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Woo, Thin Choy (2000) A case study on strategies adopted by a medium sized property development company in response to the economic crisis in 1997-1998 / Woo Thin Choy. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yahya, Kamyabi (2012) Accounting function outsourcing among Iranian SMEs and its impact on firm performance / Yahya Kamyabi. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Yam, Wei Mun (2012) Determining the behaviours required to develop the capacity to change for Malaysia's workforce / Yam Wei Mun. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yam, Yew Peng (2012) An analysis on the purchase intention of service under the price bundling context / Yam Yew Peng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yang, Mee Lin (2000) A competitive analysis on the metal packaging coatings industry in Malaysia / Yang Mee Lin. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Yap, Kiew Heong (2011) Corporate governance, ownership structures and internet financial reporting in Malaysia / Yap Kiew Heong. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Yap, Kiew Heong (2001) Director ownership and financial performance of listed companies in Malaysia / Yap Kiew Heong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
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Yazilmiwati @ Hasni, Yaacob (2016) Kajian faktor kejayaan dan pencapaian usahawan Muslim di Malaysia / Yazilmiwati @ Hasni Yaacob. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Ye, Fu Hai (2011) The impact of extrinsic and intrinsic work motivation on job satisfaction among employees in Malaysian service industry / Ye Fu Hai. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yeap, Kim Teck (2000) A comparative study of the performance of Commercial Banks, Finance Companies and Merchant Banks in Malaysia, 1990-1998 / Yeap Kim Teck. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yeo, Chun Sing (2000) The impact of interest rates and share market performance on Klang Valley property prices : a comparative case study / Yeo Chun Sing. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yeo, Sin Fatt (2002) Wireless communications industry of Malaysia / Yeo Sin Fatt. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Yeow, Chai Hong (2000) Effects of globalization on the sustainablity of a manufacturing company a case study / Yeow Chai Hong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yew , Siew Hoon (2020) A computable general equilibrium modeling of the economic effects of reducing non-tariff measures in the Malaysian food sector / Yew Siew Hoon. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yim, Siew Mei (2012) A study on consumer purchase intention for green personal care and cosmetic products in Malaysia / Yim Siew Mei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yip, Phoi Chee (2004) Consumer behaviour of mobile phone users : a demographic and psychographic study / Yip Phoi Chee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yip, Yew Kwan (2002) Business plan for a Malaysian Premium Cafe / Yip Yew Kwan, Ng Chan Hoen, Lim Choon Weng. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Yong, Jing Ren (2010) Moderating effect of knowledge workers on pay satisfaction, formal and informal organization career management with affective organization commitment / Yong Jing Ren. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yoon, Hin Siang (1996) A study of pharmacy customers' profiles and preferences in an urban area / Yoon Hin Siang. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zailin, Zainal Ariffin (2011) The relationship between American popular culture and some selected aspects of consumer behaviour : a study of Malaysian adolescents / Zailin Zainal Ariffin. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zainal, Saliman (1999) Analysis of Bank Rakyat information system / Saliman Zainal. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zainal Abidin, Hamidah (1998) The motivation and ability of the "ordinary rank" clerical staff at the head office of the National Registration Department, Malaysia / by Hamidah binti Zainal Abidin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zakaria, Shamshul Bahri (1999) A study on online payment systems among companies in Malaysia / Shamshul Bahri bin Zakaria. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zakaria, Zamzulaila (2002) The role of internal auditors in institutions of higher education : an empirical investigation / Zamzulaila binti Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zakaria, Zarina (2002) Corporate social responsibility reporting of firms listed on the KLSE : empirical evidence / Zarina Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zhang, Cheng (2017) Corporate governance, firm performance and Chinese state enterprise reform / Zhang Cheng. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Zhang, Yi Fei (2010) Factors influencing Activity-Based Costing (ABC) success implementation : a study among manufacturing firms in China / Zhang Yi Fei. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zhang , Chen (2017) China’s corporate tax management and its economic consequences / Zhang Chen. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Zheng, Weibo (2010) Retaining talent : an empirical study of multi-routes model of job coupling and withdraw tendency among Chinese MBA candidates / Zheng Weibo. PhD thesis, University Malaya.
Zhou , Ying (2023) Electronic customer-to-customer interaction and customer stickiness in social commerce in China: A motivation-opportunity-ability theory perspective / Zhou Ying. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zubair, Mohd Rizal (2010) A case study on the credit guarantee scheme / Mohd Rizal Zubair. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
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