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., Rofiih (2011) Kajian pelaksanaan al-qard al-hasan di Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil al-Khairat Pamekasan Madura Indonesia / Rofiih. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

., Shafwan (2011) Peranan agihan zakat produktif terhadap pembangunan industri kecil di Baitul Mal, Aceh / Shafwan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

., Syuryadi (2011) Peranan gadai syariah sebagai instrumen kredit Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) : kajian khusus pengadaian syariah di Wilayah Batam, Riau, Indonesia / Syuryadi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

., Zulfahmi (2011) Metodologi ijtihad Imam al-Shafi'i : analisis pembaharuan berkaitan aspek munakahat di Malaysia / Zulfahmi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Ab. Latif, Nurriza (2011) Application of microsatellite dna markers for genetic diversity analysis in wild and domesticated stock of macrobrachium rosenbergii / Nurriza Ab. Latif. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abd Hafidz, Hamdana (2011) Analisis prestasi amanah pelaburan hartanah Islam (I-REITs) di Malaysia / Hamdana bt Abd Hafidz. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abd. Razak, Zakaria (2011) Hubungan konteks keluarga dengan penglibatan ibu bapa dan pencapaian akademik anak-anak di sekolah menengah / Abd. Razak Zakaria. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdeyazdan, Fahimeh (2011) Mathematical model on the cellulase enzymes production as a function of viscosity / Fahimeh Abdeyazdan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdul Manas, Mohd Fazali (2011) Sumbangan Abd Aziz bin Abd Salam dalam pengajian tafsir : tumpuan terhadap al-Bayan pada ta'wil ayat-ayat al-Qur'an / Mohd Fazali bin Abdul Manas. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdul Rachman, Abdullah (2011) Strategi keusahawanan Islam: Kajian terhadap peniaga kecil di Kecamatan Neglasari, Kota Tangerang, Indonesia / Abdul Rachman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdul Razak, Shairah (2011) Mining and validation of est-microsatellites in freshwater prawns, macrobrachium rosenbergii / Shairah Abdul Razak. Masters thesis, University Malaya.

Abdul Shaer, Zuraini (2011) Metodologi tafsir ayat hukum oleh al-Shirbini dalam kitab al-Siraj al-munir : kajian terhadap Surah al-Nur / Zuraini binti Abdul Shaer. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdul Wahid, - (2011) Pendidikan Islam di Pulau Bawean Jawa Timur Indonesia : Sejarah dan perkembangannya / Abdul Wahid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdul'Ahed, Muqeddes (2011) Religiosity and hotel selection / Muqeddes Abdul'Ahed. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdulelah Hussien, Ahmed Al-Adhroey (2011) In ViVo anti-malarial activity of some Malaysian traditional plants: Community's awareness and ethnobotanical survey / Abdulelah Hussien Ahmed Al-Adhroey. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdullah, Ahmad Najmi (2011) Current transformer dimensioning for unit protection based on pmu 275/132kv perling / Ahmad Najmi Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdullah, Saif Yousif (2011) Metrical analyses of the location of the mandibular canal using CBCT / Saif Yousif Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abdullatif, Ismail (2011) Construction of an evaluation instrument for a Web-Based Learning Environment (WBLE) and validation of its causal structure / Abdullatif Ismail. PhD thesis, University of Education.

Abdulrazzak, Shurooq Sh (2011) Effect of ferrule height and glass fibre post length on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth / Shurooq Sh Abdulrazzak. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abolghasem, Akbari (2011) Flood modeling using GIS-based watershed hydrological model and remotely sensed data / Abolghasem Akbari. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Abu Hassan, Ummi Hani (2011) Drama dakwah di Malaysia : kajian tentang proses penulisan skrip / Ummi Hani Abu Hassan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Abu Mansor, Mimi Aineen (2011) Penggunaan methadone dalam rawatan penagihan dadah di Malaysia : kajian menurut perspektif Islam / Mimi Aineen binti Abu Mansor. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Adawati, Yusof (2011) Analysis of renewable energy potential in Malaysia / Adawati binti Yusof. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Adzhar, Rambli (2011) Outlier detection in circular data and circular-circular regression model / Adzhar Rambli. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Affendi, Yang Amri (2011) Coral ecology of a unique continental island of Pulau Perak, Kedah, Malaysia / Affendi Yang Amri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Aghaei, Ali (2011) Privatization and firms performance : evidence from Iran / Ali Aghaei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Aghaei, Reza (2011) Cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies of Iranian EFL learners / Reza Aghaei. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Ahmad, Noor Aini (2011) Seagrass mapping and distribution in relation to water quality using GIS in Sungai Johor, Peninsular Malaysia / Noor Aini Ahmad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Anggraria Jaya, Agung (2011) Polyelectrolyte models and molecular dynamics studies of the DNA polymer and DNA-NCP complexes in salt solutions / Ahmad Anggraria Jaya Agung. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Arifin, Sapar (2011) Analisis sistem i'rab : satu kajian perbandingan antara pendekatan Sibawayh dengan al-Sayutiy / Ahmad Arifin Sapar. PhD thesis, University of Malaya. .

Ahmad Dahalan, Nurul Wazeera (2011) Pensabitan isteri nusyuz menurut undang-undang keluarga Islam : kajian di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur / Nurul Wazeera binti Ahmad Dahalan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Firdhaus, Arham (2011) Screening and partial purification of protease inhibitors from Senna surattensis leaves / Ahmad Firdhaus Arham. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Hatim, Sulaiman (2011) Methamphetamine dependence in Malaysia: psychiatric co-morbidity and suicidality, methamphetamine induced psychosis, genetic polymorphisms and efficacy of aripiprazole in the treatment of methamphetamine dependence / Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Kazwini, Abd Wahab (2011) Application of solar energy in Malaysia / Ahmad Kazwini Abd Wahab. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Nazeer, Che Mat (2011) Synthesis and characterisation of [CU2(P-H2NC6H4COO)N(Rcoo)4-N] as low temperature functional metallomesogens / Ahmad Nazeer bin Che Mat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Razali, Ishak (2011) Adsorption of phosphate by paper mill sludge / Ahmad Razali bin Ishak. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Sulieman Alfraihat, Ausilah (2011) Study of permittivity of saliva and urine to classify different stages of breast carcinoma / Ausilah Ahmad Sulieman Alfraihat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmad Zabidi, Muhammad Mamduh (2011) Identification of four-jointed box 1 as a potential oncogene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma / Muhammad Mamduh bin Ahmad Zabidi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ahmed, Ali Mohammed Al-Sagheer (2011) Kitab ijabat al-sa'il sharh bughyat al-amil nazm al-kafil li-Muhammad ibn Isma`il al-Amir al-San'ani (d.1182H) : dirasat wa-tahqiq min awwal al-Bab al-thalith ila nihayat al-kitab = Kitab Ijabat al-saail sharh bughyat al-aamil nadhm Al-Kafil by Mohammed bin Ismail Al-Ameer Al-Sanaani (1182H) : a study and verification from the First section to the end of the book / Ali Mohammed Al-Sagheer Ahmed. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Akbar, Rahmad (2011) Target identification of HIV related ganoderic acids using molecular docking / Rahmad Akbar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Al Hasyimi, Sholahuddin (2011) Perkahwinan berbeza agama di Indonesia : kajian dari perspektif Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 / Sholahuddin Al Hasyimi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Abd Ali, Nazeh Mohammed (2011) Genetic diversity of plasmodium falciparum isolated from Yemen based on the genes of merozoite surface proteins (msp-1 and msp-2) / Nazeh Mohammed Al-Abd Ali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Afifi, Nashwan Abdullah Abdo (2011) Evaluation of obturation quality using gutta-percha and a resin-based material with different techniques / Nashwan Abdullah Abdo Al-Afifi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Amery, Samah Mohammed Abdulla (2011) A study to determine the location and morphology of incisive canal and foramen / Samah Mohammed Abdulla Al-Amery. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Jayousi, Qasim Qasim Mohammad (2011) A critical semiotic analysis of the translation of Naguib Mahfouz's novel Malhamat Al-Harafish / Qasim Qasim Mohammad Al-Jayousi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Al-Maamuri, Hussin Alwan Rothan (2011) Construction and expression of human adiponectin in prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression systems and the study of its effect on selected blood parameters and expression of related genes / Hussin Alwan Rothan Al-Maamuri. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Maqtari, Rasheed Abdul Salam (2011) Malocclusion status and orthodontic treatment needs of 14-year old Yemeni adolescents / Rasheed Abdul Salam Al-Maqtari. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Saif, Adel Mohammed H. (2011) Effect of plant growth regulators on fruit growth and quality development of syzygium samarangense (water apple/wax apple) / Adel Mohammed H. Al-Saif. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Al-Yamani, Hadeel Mustafa (2011) Comparative studies of bioethanol fuel production and engine emission from different rotten fruits biomasses / Hadeel Mustafa Al-Yamani. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Alazhar, Hassin (2011) Diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with slope grass axonopus compressus / Alazhar Hassin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Alenazi, Mekhled Mutiran (2011) Improvement of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) growth, yield and qualtiy by using plant growth regulators in vivo and in vitro conditions / Mekhled Mutiran Alenazi. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ali Madfa, Ahmed Abdullah (2011) Development of functionally graded composite for fabrication of dental post / Ahmed Abdullah Ali Madfa. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Aliaa Diyana, Azizuddin (2011) Distributions of extractable organic compounds in airborne paraticulate matter over the straits of Malacca, South China Sea and Sulu-sulawesi Seas / Aliaa Diyana Azizuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Alias, Mohd Alimin (2011) Kedudukan dan perlindungan hak anak buangan (al-Laqit) menurut undang-undang Islam dan masyarakat di Malaysia / Mohd Alimin bin Alias. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Alinejad, Tahereh (2011) Discovery of immune responsive proteins in IHHNV-infected and non-infected Macrobrachium rosenbergii / Tahereh Alinejad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Allina, Abdullah (2011) A study of yield quantity discrepancy reduction in semi-conductor back-end process / Allina Binti Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ang, Bee Chin (2011) Synthesis and characterization of maghemite nanoparticles dispersed within silica matrix / Ang Bee Chin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ang, Tan Fong (2011) An adaptive QOS scheduling algorithm in service oriented grid and cloud environment / Ang Tan Fong. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Anthony Pitchay, Christiantine Della (2011) DDiscourse of transformation in organisational change management / Christiantine Della a/p Anthony Pitchay. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Anwarruddin Shah, Hezan Shah (2011) Value versus growth stocks in Malaysia / Anwarruddin Shah bin Hezan Shah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ardiana, Arshad (2011) Spelling errors in the writing of Malay lower secondary school students / Ardiana Arshad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Arham, Ahmad Firdhaus (2011) Screening and partial purification of protease inhibitors from senna surattensis leaves / Ahmad Firdhaus Arham. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Arianto, Toni (2011) Pengurusan program dakwah di Integrated Islamic School Kota Damansara Selangor / Toni Arianto. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Arif Fathillah, Mohd Safar (2011) Analisis terhadap elemen maqasid al-syariah dalam produk Takaful Ikhlas di Malaysia / Arif Fathillah Mohd Safar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Arif Fathillah , Mohd Safar (2011) Analisis terhadap elemen Maqasid al-Syariah dalam produk Takaful Ikhlas di Malaysia / Arif Fathillah Mohd Safar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Arina, Mhd Arshad (2011) Effects of postharvest hot water treatment on physiological and biochemical properties of eksotika II papaya during ripening / Arina Mhd Arshad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Arina, Mohd Noh (2011) CFD analysis of solar dryer greenhouse / Arina binti Mohd Noh. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Asfarina, Amir Hassan (2011) The effect of testing & environmental conditions on the properties of injection moulded glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6 composites / Asfarina Amir Hassan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ashraful, Haque (2011) Development of high-temperature lead-free solder for semiconductor chip attachment / Ashraful Haque. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Astawi, Nadisa (2011) Polisi dan strategi pembangunan keusahawanan melalui projek pembasmian kemiskinan di perbandaran (P2KP) : kajian implikasi masyarakat Islam di Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia / Nadisa Astawi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Aung, Shuh Wen (2011) Heterologous expression of lipase gene (lip) and PHA synthase gene (PHAC1) from pseudomonas spp. in escherichia coli for the biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) / Aung Shuh Wen. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Awang, Aerisuli (2011) Penghayatan ibadah dan kesannya terhadap hubungan sosial di kalangan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Tok Jiring, Kuala Terengganu / Aerisuli binti Awang. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

al-Reyami, Taher Ahmed Mohammed (2011) al-Malamih al-da'wiyah fi qissah Musa ma'a fir'aun fi al-Qur'an al-karim = Da'wah approach in the story of Moses with pharaoah in the Holy Quran : an analytical study / Taher Ahmed Mohammed al-Reyami. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

al-Rida', Muhammad Iqlim (2011) Ashraf 'Ali al-Tahanawi wa juhudihi fi al-tarabat bayna al-hadith wa al-tasawwuf khilal kitabuhu "Haqa'iq al-tariqah min al-sunnah al-aniqah" = Ashraf Ali al-Tahanawi and his effort in linking between hadith and sufism through his book Haqiqat al-tariqat min al-sunnah al-aniqah / Muhammad Iqlim al-Rida'. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

alQarni, Khalid Ali (2011) Da'f al-qayyim al-akhlaqiyah lada ba'd tullab al-Jami'at al-Sa'udiyah : Jami'at al-Ta'if anmudhajan = Moral transgression among university students in Saudi Arabia : a case study at University of Taif / Khalid bin Ali alQarni. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Babaee, Alireza Bonyadi (2011) A genre-specific study of English and Persian newspaper editorials / Alireza Bonyadi Babaee. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Bachir, Raouane Azziz (2011) Ithbat al-mawarith fi zill al-thawabat wa-al-mutaghayyirat : dirasah tahliliyah = Fixed and flexibilities of the Islamic law of succession : an analysis / Raouane Azziz Bachir. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Balakrishnan, Malathi (2011) Effects of teaching games for understanding approach on students' learning outcomes / Malathi Balakrishnan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Balasingam, Jothi Annavadivoo (2011) Genetic variation and differentiation between cultured and wild populations of Channa striata (Haruan) from microsatellite markers / Jothi Annavadivoo a/p Balasingam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Bari, M. Ehteshamul (2011) The substantive independence of the judiciary under the constitutions of Bangladesh and Malaysia : a comparative study / by M. Ehteshamul Bari. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Basil Mathew , Panamkuttiyil (2011) Detection of micro emboli using signal energy and discrete fourier transform / Basil Mathew Panamkuttiyil. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Battour, Mohamed Mohamed Kamal (2011) The impact of Islamic attributes of destination on tourists' motivation, satisfaction and destination loyalty / Mohamed Mohamed Kamal Battour. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Beh, Woan Lin (2011) Pricing of American call options using simulation and numerical analysis / Beh Woan Lin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Beheshti, Seyed Hossein (2011) Study of microRNA in relation to salt tolerance in banana (Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis) / Seyed Hossein Beheshti. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Behrad, Sara (2011) Manipulation of probiotics fermentation of milk by Cinnamon Zeylanicum, Glycyrrhiza glabra or Allium Sativum and their effects on inhibition of Helicobacter Pylori growth In Vitro / Sara Behrad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Bohari, Nurul Hayati (2011) Issues and challenges in the enforcement of psychotropic substances by pharmaceutical enforcement department / Nurul Hayati Bohari. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Borhani, Mina (2011) Personality characteristics as antecedents of word of mouth in travel industry : comparison of online versus offline environment / Mina Borhani. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Chaghervand, Amirali Moeini (2011) The firm-specific determinants of corporate debt maturity : a study of Malaysian firms / Amirali Moeini Chaghervand. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chak, Choy Sim (2011) Financial behaviour under risk and uncertainty : role of experience and emotion / Chak Choy Sim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Chan, Chow Khuen (2011) A finite element analysis of residual stress in brazing of sapphire and inconel / Chan Chow Khuen. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chan, Wai Ting (2011) Genetic regulation of the yefM-yoeB and pezAT toxin-antitoxin loci of Streptococcus pneumoniae / Chan Wai Ting. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Che Man, Norajila (2011) Tanggungjawab sosial korporat : analisis perbandingan di Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad dan Affin Bank Berhad / Norajila binti Che Man. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Che Nooryohana, Zulkifli (2011) The construction of career women in Cleo : a critical discourse analysis / Che Nooryohana Zulkifli. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Cheah, Aik Keong (2011) Optimisation of wire electrical discharge machining process using DF2 tool steel material / Cheah Aik Keong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Cheah, Yee Nin (2011) A study of consumers' global brand attitudes in Malaysia / Cheah Yee Nin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chee, Chin Fei (2011) Synthesis of bioactive cyclohexenyl chalcones and flavonoid derivatives / Chee Chin Fei. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Cheheltani, Nikoo (2011) Impact of marina construction on scleractinian corals in Kampung Tekek, Tioman Island, Malaysia / Nikoo Cheheltani. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Cheng, Siew Yee (2011) Employees' brand commitment in the service industry : luxury hotel chains in Malaysia / Cheng Siew Yee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Cheong, Hui Lu (2011) Environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours : a cross cultural study of Malaysian consumers / Cheong Hui Lu. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Chew, Chee Sean (2011) Performance of Ni-W alloys as barrier film between lead free solder and copper substrate / Chew Chee Sean. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chien, Wei Ee (2011) Implementation of flexible manufacturing system in a fertilizer plant to reduce inventory and waste : a case study / Chien Wei Ee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chin, Jelinda Ye-Na (2011) Lexical stress placement in polysyllabic words in Malaysia english / Jelinda Chin Ye-Na. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Chin, Jia Hou (2011) Electron and positron scattering by atomic rubidium / Chin Jia Hou. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Choirin, Muhammad (2011) Ikatan Da'i Indonesia (IKADI) : kajian dari aspek program dakwah di Jakarta / Muhammad Choirin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Chong, Chun Wie (2011) Assessment of bacterial community patterns from ecologically distinct Antarctic soil environments / Chun Wie Chong. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ciptono, Wakhid Slamet (2011) The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in oil and gas industry in Indonesia / Wakhid Slamet Ciptono. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Damodharan Nair, Letchumi (2011) Percampuran dan penukaran kod dalam lagu-lagu Tamil tempatan / Letchumi Damodharan Nair. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Delavari, Hilda (2011) An acoustic study of English vowels produced by Persian Efl student / Hilda Delavari. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Dezdar, Shahin (2011) Critical factors affecting enterprise resource planning implementation success / Shahin Dezdar. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Diniehilmi, Jamaludin (2011) Partisipasi mahasiswi Cina dan India dalam politik kampus: Kajian kes di Universiti Malaya / Diniehilmi Jamaludin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.


Edura, Badaruddin (2011) Synthesis, characterization and fluorescence studies of copper complexes of selected pyrimidine derivatives / Edura Badaruddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ee, Mei Chin (2011) The impact of corporate rebranding on organisation's market value : Malaysian perspective / Ee Mei Chin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Elhag, Maher Hassan (2011) The pragmatic analysis of address terms in doctor-patient interaction / Maher Hassan Elhag. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Elhefian, Esam A. (2011) Studies on chitosan based films obtained by blending with agar and poly vinyl alcohol / Esam A. Elhefian. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Elmabruk, Fathi M. (2011) Mechanical properties of laser welded joints in dissimilar alloys / Fathi M. Elmabruk. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Eneng, Muslihah (2011) Persepsi guru tentang amalan pengurusan berasaskan sekolah, kecerdasan emosional dan kepimpinan instruksional pengetua sekolah agama menengah atas di Provinsi Banten Indonesia / Eneng Muslihah. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ernie, Adnan (2011) Teacher codeswitching in an ESL classroom : Linguistics patterns, functions an student pereceptions / Ernie Adnan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ezzatul Syahadah, Zainordin (2011) Screening selected actinobacteria for antifungal activity / Ezzatul Syahadah Zainordin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Fadhlina, Mahfot (2011) Biological activities of Alpinia pahangensis and Alpinia mutica extracts / Fadhlina binti Mahfot. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Fan, Siong Peng (2011) Pemahaman murid Tingkatan Satu tentang pembahagian pecahan / Fan Siong Peng. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Fani, Somayeh (2011) Association between interleukin-10 (IL-10) promoter polymorphisms and non hodgkin lymphoma in Malaysian population / Somayeh Fani. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Farahdel, Farnaz (2011) Islamic attributes and its impact on Muslim tourists' satisfaction : a study of Iran / Farnaz Farahdel. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Fard, Atieh Abdollahi (2011) Studing the effects of a combined adiponectin-metformin on glucose and lipids levels with anti-ulcerogenic activity of adiponectin against ethanol induced gastric mucosal injury in rat blood / Atieh Abdollahi Fard. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Faridah, Mohamad Idris (2011) Long-lived neutral hadrons in the calorimeter of the zeus detector / Faridah Mohamad Idris. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Fauziah, Eneng (2011) Peranan perbankan syariah dalam pembangunan ekonomi ummah kajian di Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), Jawa Barat, Indonesia / Eneng Fauziah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Fazleen, Md Ruslan (2011) Taboo language and gender stereotypes in hip hop music videos / Fazleen Md Ruslan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Fong, Shin Chien (2011) Simulation of the current sheath dynamics during axial acceleration phase in a 600 J plasma focus device / Fong Shin Chien. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Foong, Swee Sim (2011) Measures and determinants of cost of equity for an emerging market : The case of Malaysian firms \ Foong Swee Sim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.


Gao , Yanchao (2011) Motivation and attitudes towards learning English: A study of international undergraduates in Malaysia / Gao Yanchao. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Gazilah, Mohd.Isa (2011) Pembinaan dan penilaian modul pengajaran pola ayat Bahasa Arab / Gazilah Binti Mohd.Isa. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ghazali, Zamri (2011) Konsep perkahwinan mengikut Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fatani dalam Kitab Idah al-albab / Zamri bin Ghazali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ghotb, Hamidreza (2011) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in catering industry : the perception of diners and their buying behavior / Hamidreza Ghotb. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Golpich, Mojtaba (2011) Association between TNF-a-308 G/A polymorphism and oral cancer risk among Malaysian Indian and indigenous / Mojtaba Golpich. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Goyal, Rahul Kumar (2011) Extraction of chromium from wastewater by emulsion ionic liquid membrane / Rahul Kumar Goyal. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


H Al-Saif, Adel Mohammed (2011) Effect of plant growth regulators on fruit growth and quality development of syzygiumsamarangense (water apple/wax apple) / Adel Mohammed H Al-Saif. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Haider, Hawar A. M. (2011) Absorption of carbon dioxide in methylamino ethanol / Hawar A. M. Haider. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Hairin, Taha (2011) Phytochemical and biological activity study on Pseuduvaria Rugosa (annonaceae) / Hairin Taha. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Haki Ismail, Ibrahim (2011) DNA ploidy in oral squamous cell carcinoma among Malaysians / Haki Ismail Ibrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hammyd, Amal Emhamad Ab. (2011) Fa'iliyat al-khidmat al-ijtima'iyah fi mu'assasat al-tarbiyah wa-tawjih al-ahdath al-manharifin bi-Libya wa-qudratuha 'ala 'ilajihim : dirasah maydaniyah bi-madinah Tarabulus = The effectiveness of social services in Libyan delinquents educational and guidance institutions : a case study in Tripoli/ Amal Emhamad Ab. Hammyd. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Haris, Didik M. Nur (2011) Kitab Jadual Nikah karya Isma'il Mundu : teks dan analisis / Didik M. Nur Haris. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hasanpourghadi, Mohadeseh (2011) Association of DNA repair gene polymorphism (XRCC1) and oral cancer risk / Mohadeseh Hasanpourghadi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hashim, Noorhana (2011) The teaching of mathematics and science in English : a dialetical relational / Noorhana Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hashim, Zamri (2011) Kaedah pendalilan berasaskan al-Quran : kajian tentang penggunaannya dalam fatwa-fatwa negeri Perak 1994-2010 / Zamri bin Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hasmadi, Hamdan (2011) Penguasaan sebutan huruf Arab dalam kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu : analisis fonetik menurut perspektif al-Ja:H'iz / Hasmadi Hamdan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Haw, Fee Ling (2011) The impact of human resource management practices on organizational commitment and intent to leave : a study conducted in Klang Valley / Haw Fee Ling. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Herwina, Rosnan (2011) A study of the effect of globalisation on the Malaysian film production industry / Herwina binti Rosnan. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Hidayah, Mohd Khalid (2011) Embedment of hydroxyapatite (HA) on titanium alloy (Ti6AI4V) via superplastic deformation method for medical application / Hidayah Mohd Khalid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hj Md Isa, Tirmizi (2011) Sumbangan Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT) dalam aktiviti keagamaan : kajian dalam Batalion ke-12 RAMD / Tirmizi bin Hj Md Isa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ho, Yong Kuen (2011) Adaptive-model based self-tuning generalized predictive control of a biodiesel reactor / Ho Yong Kuen. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hoh, Sook Kuan (2011) Sikap dan pemilihan bahasa kaum Cina Malaysia / Hoh Sook Kuan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Holst, Hans Peter (2011) Traditional traders and hypermarket growth in Malaysia / Hans Peter Holst. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Hor, Puey Wai (2011) Factors influencing the adoption of risk based internal auditing and its influence on internal auditor's responsiveness to risk management activities in the Malaysian context / Hor Puey Wai. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Hoveizavi, Fatemeh Banitorfian (2011) Design of capacitive sensor interfacing circuit using 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology / Fatemeh Banitorfian Hoveizavi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Ibrahim, Siti Sarah (2011) Metodologi penulisan Hadith hukum : kajian perbandingan antara kitab al-Muntaqa dengan Bulugh al-maram / Siti Sarah binti Ibrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ibrahim, Taib (2011) Pembinaan model resiliensi remaja sekolah / Ibrahim Taib. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Illida, Mohd Nawi (2011) Characterisation of chondrocyte matrix responses under biaxial loading / Illida Mohd Nawi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Iman, Venoos (2011) Proteomic characterization of eurycoma longifolia and its application in validating tongkat Ali herbal products / Venoos Iman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Intan Suraya, Hashim (2011) Equity valuation methods of analysts in Malaysia : a study of financial analyst coverage of AirAsia Berhad 2007-2011 / Intan Suraya Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Isa, Khalid (2011) Tan Sri Dato' Haji Hassan Azhari : sumbangannya dalam ilmu tarannum Al-Quran di Malaysia / Khalid bin Isa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ishak, Zahari (2011) Pembinaan model konsep kendiri pelajar tingkatan empat / Zahari Ishak. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ismail, Mohd Hamidi (2011) Af'al Allah menurut al-Jurjani (m.816H./1413M.) : kajian dan terjemahan teks terpilih dari Syarh al-mawaqif / Mohd Hamidi Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ismail, Muhamad Fadlly (2011) Pengajian al-Quran dalam kalangan golongan kelas menengah : tumpuan kajian di masjid-masjid terpilih di Kuantan, Pahang / Muhamad Fadlly bin Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ismail, Nailah (2011) Al-Hawa dalam penyelewengan akidah : kajian di Kelantan / Nailah binti Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ismail, Salmah (2011) Konsep al-jaza' terhadap kaum yang ingkar dalam Surah Ali-'Imran / Salmah binti Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Izleen Rahayu, Ab Rahman (2011) Adoption of cloud computing services in Malaysia : a quantitative study using technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory / Izleen Rahayu binti Ab Rahman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Jaime Stella , Moses Richardson (2011) Antioxidant and cytotoxic investigations of beta vulgaris L. / Jaime Stella Moses Richardson. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Jalaludin, Adam (2011) Proteomic and probit analyses of glufosinate-ammonium-resistant goosegrass(Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) biotypes in Malaysia / Adam bin Jalaludin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Jali, Hasan (2011) Analisis Hadith riwayat Ibnu Abbas dalam Tafsir ayat al-ahkam min al-Quran oleh Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni / Hasan bin Jali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Jayam, Malini Rama (2011) The relationship between employee recognition, employee engagement and organizational commitment on turnover intention in Malaysia : he mediating role of satisfaction / Malini Rama Jayam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Jenita, Kanapathy (2011) Legalising prostitution in Malaysia / Jenita Kanapathy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

John, Christina (2011) A systemic functional investigation into experiential meanings in the biographies of Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert / Christina John. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Junainah, Tarmidi (2011) Penggunaan Bahasa Jawa di dua buah perkampungan di Johor / Junainah Tarmidi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


K. Balan, Vanaja (2011) Code-Switching among Malaysian professionals during meetings / Vanaja K. Balan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Kaaminy, Kanapathy (2011) Kohesi dan koheren dalam karangan pelajar tingkatan enam / Kaaminy Kanapathy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Kachouei, Shahla Ataei (2011) Copolymerization of methyl methacrylate with palm oleic acid-based macromers and application of the copolymers as coating materials / Shahla Ataei Kachouei. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Kamisah, Ismail (2011) Intensity of market competition, business strategy, management accounting systems and performance : a case of Malaysian manufacturing firms adopting the integrated manufacturing practices / Kamisah Ismail. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Kasmon, Muhamad Nordin (2011) Konsep kosher dalam agama Yahudi : analisis menurut perspektif pemikiran hukum Islam / Muhamad Nordin bin Kasmon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Katmin, Saim (2011) Kajian terhadap prestasi sistem operasi Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil Amanah di Kabupaten Bengkalis Propinsi Riau Indonesia / Saim bin Katmin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Khairul Anwar, Mohamad Zaki (2011) Determinants of e-commerce adoption among Malaysian SMEs / Khairul Anwar bin Mohamad Zaki. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Khalili, Leila (2011) An investigation of factors influencing the acceptance of open access publishing among medical researchers in Iran / Leila Khalili. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Khalisanni, Khalid (2011) Physicochemical studies of liquid pollutants using reversed flow gas chromatographic techniques. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Khoo, Joon Joon (2011) Pattern of hMLH1, hMLH2 and hMSH6 expressions and clinical characteristics in Malaysian colorectal carcinoma cases / Khoo Joon Joon. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Khoo, Joon Joon (2011) Pattern of hmlh1, hmsh2 and hmsh6 expressions and clinical characteristics in Malaysian colorectal carcinoma cases / Khoo Joon Joon. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Koh, Meng Hock (2011) Slater approximation of Coulomb exchange energy in heavy nuclei / Koh Meng Hock. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Koh, Michelle Moh Cheng (2011) Vocabulary size and English language achievement : a comparative study of rural and urban secondary school students / Michelle Koh Moh Cheng. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Kok, Fie See (2011) Are the taxpayers' rights adequately protected in Malaysia? / Kok Fie See. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Kong, Sow Chan (2011) IN VITRO production of caprine embryos through intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique / Kong Soh Chan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Krishnan @ Ramasamy, Abiramy (2011) Studies on microfungal diversity of King George Island and analysis of hydrolase enzymes of selected species / Abiramy Krishnan @ Ramasamy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Krishnasamy, Rajasegaran (2011) A genre analysis of rhetorical structure and linguistic features in psychology research articles / Rajasegaran Krishnasamy. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Ku, Wai Foong (2011) Biologically active alkaloids from Alstonia angustiloba / Ku Wai Foong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ku Zaimah, Che Ali (2011) Penggunaan mubtada'nakirat dan khabar ma'rifat dalam bahasa arab : Satu analisis dalam surah Al-Baqarah / Ku Zaimah Che Ali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Kumar, Muniisvaran (2011) Pembentukan kata dalam iklan Tamil / Muniisvaran Kumar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Lai, Chee Kin (2011) Operation characteristics and bio application of an atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge / Lai Chee Kin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Lai , Fong Woon (2011) An examination of value enhancing enterprise risk management implementation framework for Malaysian public listed companies / Lai Fong Woon. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Lam, Kai Chee (2011) Sikap komuniti cina atas-talian terhadap variasi Bahasa Cina / Lam Kai Chee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Lau, Poh Li (2011) Effect of career exploration program on career maturity and self-concept among Form Four students / Lau Poh Li. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Layth Abdulateef, Hashim (2011) Synthesis of nanostructure active pharmaceutical ingredients for isoniazid and griseofulvin by cryogenic technology / Layth Abdulateef Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Lee, Cherk Yong (2011) Performance investigation on plate heat exchanger using nanofluid as working fluid / Ler Cherk Yong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Lee, Kim Lian (2011) The determinants and outcomes of superiors' downward influence tactics and the mediating effects of subordinates' competence and role ambiguity / Lee Kim Lian. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Lee, See Mun (2011) Synthesis, structures and bioinorganic aspects of organotin derivatives / Lee See Mun. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Lee, Seng Huat (2011) Development of a 600 joules small plasma focus as pulsed radiation source / Lee Seng Huat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Lee, Yean Kee (2011) Design and synthesis of a potential inhibitor for DEN2 NS2B/NS3 serine protease / Lee Yean Kee. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Leila, Dobakhti (2011) The discussion section of research articles in applied linguistics: Generic structure and stance features / Leila Dobakhti. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Leong, Kim Weng (2011) A critical discourse analysis of news reports on domestic violence in Malaysia newspaper / Leong Kim Weng. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Liew, Kwee Yee (2011) Factors influencing the acceptance and purchase intention of online grocery : a study of Malaysian consumers / Liew Kwee Yee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Lim, Kai Hoe; Low, Yeok Chin (2011) Case study : customer lifetime value for a fleet card business / Lim Kai Hoe <and> Low Yeok Chin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Lim, Peck Choo (2011) Online collaboration : patterns of interaction and reading performance of ESL students / Lim Peck Choo. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Loh, Han Chuen (2011) Bank efficiency in selected Asean countries : does size matters? / Loh Han Chuen. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Loo, Zhang Xin (2011) Tissue selection and optimization of DNA extraction for the construction of genomic library of white dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) / Loo Zhang Xin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Loo , Zilin (2011) Penanaman dan industri nenas di Pontian, Johor: Satu penelitian sejarah 1950an-1990an / Loo Zilin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.

Low, Poh Choo (2011) The effectiveness of a stimulus package in boosting up the economy during a financial crisis / Low Poh Choo. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Low, Suet Fin (2011) Pembinaan dan pengujian model pencapaian akademik pelajar Tingkatan Empat di Daerah Klang / Low Suet Fin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Loy, Chee Luen (2011) Boneka sebagai alat pedagogi dalam pengajaran kanak-kanak prasekolah / Loy Chee Luen. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.


M. Busra, Ruhil Hayati (2011) Modul kursus praperkahwinan Islam : kajian terhadap keberkesanannya di Jabatan Agama Islam negeri Perak, Darul Ridzuan / Ruhil Hayati binti M. Busra. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

M. Ehteshamul, Bari (2011) The substantive independence of the judiciary under the constitutions of Bangladesh and Malaysia : A comparative study / M. Ehteshamul Bari. Masters thesis, Universiti of Malaya.

Ma, Jing (2011) The teaching of mathematics and science in English : a discourse analysis of editorials in a Chinese daily / Ma Jing. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Mahadhir, Mat Lazim (2011) Perbezaan leksikal dan semantik berita bola sepak antara media Sepanyol dan Argentina / Mahadhir Mat Lazim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mahmod, Zulzaidi (2011) Pelaksanaan pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang produk halal di Malaysia : kajian terhadap penyalahgunaan logo halal / Zulzaidi bin Mahmod. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Maliza Delima, Kamarul Zaman (2011) Environmental ethical commitment of the business corporations in Malaysia / Maliza Delima binti Kamarul Zaman. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Mandili, Eiman (2011) The impact of Islamic attributes of destination and religiosity on Muslim tourists' satisfaction / Eiman Mandili. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Manigam, Ambigah Devi (2011) The languages needs of english for science and technology learners : A case study / Ambigah Devi Manigam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Marimuthu, Shamala (2011) Relationships amongst chlorella isolates from the tropical, temperate and Antarctic regions based on morphological, biochemical and molecular studies / Shamala Marimuthu. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Maryam, Karimian (2011) Analysis of culturable bacteria from soil of three sites on anchorage island, Antarctic Peninsula. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Maskam, Muhamad Fahrin (2011) Antioxidant effects of rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Kemunting) extract on the development of experimental atherosclerotic-induced New Zealand white rabbit / Muhamad Fahrin Maskam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mat, Khaled (2011) Tarbiyah dalam Parti Islam Se-Malaysia di Tanjong Malim, Perak : kajian tentang aktiviti dan masalah / Khaled bin Mat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mat Daud, Hasbullah (2011) Teori maqasid al-syari'ah : kajian perbandingan antara pemikiran al-Syatibi dan 'Izz al-Din ibn 'Abd al-Salam / Hasbullah bin Mat Daud. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mayage, Amani John (2011) Cross-border mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets after the 2007 economic crisis / Amani John Mayage. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Maysam, Oladazimi (2011) EEG analysis of opioid-dependents after methadone maintenance / Maysam Oladazimi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Md. Hasanuzzaman, - (2011) Energy, exergy, and environmental analysis for energy intensive industrial equipment in Malaysia / Md. Hasanuzzaman. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Md. Sumon, Sarker (2011) An efficient model for indoor radio signal prediction and coverage estimation / Md. Sumon Sarker. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mis, Mohammed Azlan (2011) Analisis pilihan bahasa sebagai lingua franca di Sarawak / Mohammed Azlan Mis. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohamad, Nor Musfirah (2011) Penggunaan alkohol dalam pemakanan menurut perspektif syarak / Nor Musfirah binti Mohamad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohamad Suhaimi, Farhana (2011) Peranan dana wakaf dalam pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat Islam di Pulau Pinang / Farhana binti Mohamad Suhaimi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohamed, Shahrulanuar (2011) Pembangunan etika dan moral dalam kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM) / Shahrulanuar bin Mohamed. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohamed, Zahazan (2011) Gaya bahasa pengulangan dalam Al-Qur'an : satu kajian dalam surah al-Rahman / Zahazan Mohamed. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Mohamed Shapik, Mohamad Zamri (2011) Peruntukan undang-undang murtad di Selangor : satu kajian berasaskan maqasid shar'iyyah / Mohamad Zamri bin Mohamed Shapik. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohammad Beksin, Abdul Mutalib (2011) The effects flooding on house prices: two case studies in Malaysia / Abdul Mutalib bin Mohammad Beksin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohammad Isa, Mohamadin (2011) Copper (II) arylcarboxylates : Substituent effects on structure, thermal properties, magnetism, redox and carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction of carbonyls / Mohammad Isa Mohamadin. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Mohammad Rafiqul, Islam (2011) Assessment of wind energy potential mapping for Peninsular Malaysia / Mohammad Rafiqul Islam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Mohammed Atiya, Mohammed Al Taher (2011) Method of contemporary da'wa and it's role in religious awareness among young muslim : a study at the Faculty of Arts, University of Sabha, Libya / Mohammed Al Taher Mohammed Atiya. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Akib, Mohd Manawi (2011) Pemikiran Fakhr al-Din al-Razi tentang syurga berdasarkan tafsir Mafatih al-ghayb / Mohd Manawi bin Mohd Akib. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Arif, Mohd Sarjidan (2011) Characterization of organic light emitting diodes containing small molecules blended system / Mohd Arif Mohd Sarjidan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Assa’Ad, Norfarhan (2011) Isolation and purification of glutathione s-transferases from donax sp / Norfarhan Mohd Assa’Ad. Masters thesis, University Malaya.

Mohd Faizal, Fauzan (2011) Comparative exergy analysis of selected fuels for internal combustion engines / Mohd Faizal Fauzan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Hafiz, Arzmi (2011) The effect of phenotypic switching on the biological properties of candida krusei / Mohd Hafiz Arzmi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Haris, Sulaiman (2011) Penguasaan kemahiran penterjemahan perkataan Arab berimbuhan di kalangan pelajar IPTA / Mohd Haris Sulaiman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Hishamuddin, A Hamid (2011) Pursuit of excellence by Muslim scientists with a special reference to Ibn Sina / Mohd Hishamuddin A Hamid. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Islah, Mohd Yusof (2011) Penggunaan penanda wacana bahasa arab dalam teks karangan pelajar Stam / Mohd Islah Mohd Yusof. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Khairul Anam, Che Mentri (2011) Descartes and Popper on the foundations of knowledge / Mohd Khairul Anam Che Mentri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd Khushairi, Tohiar (2011) Speech patterns and styles of young Malaysian metrosexuals / Mohd Khushairi Tohiar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Mohd Yusof, Nurul Huda (2011) Preparation of β-cyclodextrin based adsorbents and their behaviour towards chromium(VI)-diphenylcarbazide complex removal from aqueous solution / Nurul Huda Mohd Yusof. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd. Nizam, Abdul Rashid (2011) Estimation of goat foetal age during pregnancy using transrectal and transabdominal probes in ultrasound scanning / Mohd. Nizam Abdul Rashid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mohd. Zaid, Hassan (2011) Jenayah pemalsuan kad kredit di Malaysia / Mohd. Zaid bin Hassan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mokhtar, Mohd Nizam (2011) Pelaksanaan MS ISO 9001:2000 di Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka (JAIM) / Mohd Nizam bin Mokhtar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Monshi, Mohammadali (2011) Foreign denominated debts and foreign currency derivatives as hedging mechanisms against exchange rate fluctuations : evidence from Malaysia / Mohammadali Monshi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Moses Richardson, Jaime Stella (2011) Antioxidant and cytotoxic investigations of Beta vulgaris L / Jaime Stella a/p Moses Richardson. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Muhamad Zaidi, Zakaria (2011) Penguasaan kemahiran menulis bahasa Arab dalam kalangan murid sekolah kebangsaan menerusi program J-Qaf / Muhamad Zaidi Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Muhammad, Rasmuna Mazwan (2011) Peranan institusi keagamaan dan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) dalam menganalisis isu bioetika : ke arah pembentukan panduan kapada pengguna bioteknologi di Malaysia / Rasmuna Mazwan Muhammad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Muhammad Irfan, Shahinuddin (2011) Energy and exergy efficient grate clinker cooling system / Muhammad Irfan Bin Shahinuddin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Muniandy, Muniamal (2011) Keberkesanan teknik percambahan idea dalam karangan ekspositori Bahasa Tamil / Muniamal Muniandy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Munusamy, Krishna Rubi (2011) Esp for hospitality and tourism students : a needs analysis / Krishna Rubi Munusamy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Murti, Sumathi (2011) Antioxidant activity in selected local vegetables / Sumathi a/p Murti. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mustafa, Fazlida (2011) Metodologi penulisan ilmu mustalah al-hadith : kajian perbandingan antara kitab Muhaddith al-fasil dengan al-Kifayah / Fazlida binti Mustafa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Mustapha, Ariyanti (2011) Kajian pemikiran Wael Bahjat Hallaq terhadap pengkajian ilmu usul al-fiqh / Ariyanti binti Mustapha. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Muttappan, Santhy (2011) Kohesi dalam rencana pengarang akhbar Tamil / Santhy Muttappan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Nada Raja, Thamayanthi (2011) Base population structure studies for Macrobrachium Rosenbergii using microsatellite markers / Thamayanthi Nada Raja. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nadeson, Shanmuganathan (2011) Penukaran dan pembauran kod dalam kalangan pelajar Tamil sekolah menengah / Shanmuganathan Nadeson. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Nadia Iryani, Najri (2011) Biological activities of penicilliopsis sp. / Nadia Iryani binti Najri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Naim, Skandari (2011) Athar al-sihr fi al-mujtama al-Kuwayti / Naim Skandari. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Najmuldeen, Ibrahim A. (2011) Phytochemical studies and the bioactivities of three meliaceae species / Ibrahim A. Najmuldeen. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Narappan, Mageswary (2011) A study of language use in transcripts of Hindu Netizens in matrimonial websites / Mageswary Narappan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Nasir, Shah Bakhtiar (2011) Synthesis and fluorescence properties of selected phenoxy derivatives of pyrimidines and pyrazines / Shah Bakhtiar Nasir. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nasr, Omar Mohamed A. (2011) al-Zira'ah fi al-Qur'an al-karim : dirasah tatbiqiyah fi 'ahd al-khalifah 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz = Agriculture according to al-Quran al-karim : a study on its implementation during the reign of caliphs Omar Abdul Aziz / Omar Mohamed A. Nasr. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nasr, Y. M. O. (2011) Computational analysis of the enantioselectivity of diels-alder reactions involving chiral cationic oxazaborolidinium catalyst / Nasr Y.M. Omar. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Nasrullah, Pondra (2011) Kefahaman terhadap sunnah tasyri'iyah dan ghayr tasyri'iyah dan kesannya terhadap amalan keagamaan dalam kalangan ahli Nahdatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah di Provinsi Lampung, Indonesia / Pondra Nasrullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Navaratnam, Shanti (2011) Effect of anion size and nano fumed silica on structural, thermal and electrical properties of chitosan polymer electrolytes / Shanti Navaratnam. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Nawae, Itsama-Ae (2011) Hadith-Hadith dalam Bughyah al-Tullab karangan Sheikh Daud al-Fatani (Juzuk 1) : takhrij dan analisis / Itsama-e Nawae. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nazrul Hisyam, Ab Razak (2011) Government ownership and corporate performance : a comparative analysis of Malaysian and Singaporean listed companies / Nazrul Hisyam bin Ab Razak. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Neelakandan, Anita (2011) Effect of credit crunch on banking institutions in Malaysia / Anita Neelakandan. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Nemati, Keivan (2011) Determination and assessment of potential mobility of heavy metals in solid samples by Sequential Extraction Procedures (SEP) / Keivan Nemati. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ng, Boon Kwee (2011) Technological innovation patterns among Malaysia's small and medium-sized wooden furniture manufacturers : a sectoral innovation systems perspective / Ng Boon Kwee. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ng, Yee Sern (2011) Application of imidazolium-based ionic liquid as bulk liquid membrane in phenol removal / Ng Yee Sern. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nia, Tahereh Yazdani (2011) 16S RDNA clone library analysis of soil bacteria from three different sites in Peninsula Antarctica / Tahereh Yazdani Nia. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nik Iskandar Putra, Samsudin (2011) Mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins contaminating red rice at consumer level in Selangor, Malaysia / Nik Iskandar Putra Samsudin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nik Norazmalinda, Abd Aziz (2011) Pembayaran zakat dalam kalangan pengusaha-pengusaha batik di Kota Bharu, Kelantan / Nik Norazmalinda Abd Aziz. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Noor Erwani Azura, Shuhaimi (2011) Ionic conductivity and related studies in methyl cellulose based polymer electrolytes and application in supercapacitors / Noor Erwani Azura Shuhaimi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Noor Hazera, Sohri (2011) Determinants of employee retention in a strategic business unit : Groupwide Enterprise Resource Management System (GEMS), Telekom Malaysia Berhad / Noor Hazera binti Sohri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Noor Julieana, Mat Amin (2011) Chromosomal alterations in oral cancer for selected Indian and indigenous population / Noor Julieana Mat Amin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nor Aini, Alias (2011) Preparation and characterizations of Lithium Titanate (Li4Ti5O12) / Nor Aini Alias. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Nor Asrina, Sairi (2011) Physical properties of guanidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate-methyldiethanolamine aqueous mixtures and their CO2 absorption capacities / Nor Asrina Sairi. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Nor Hashima, Hashim (2011) Corporate image, service quality, customer perceived value, relationship quality and its effect on switching intention among Islamic banking customers in Malaysia / Nor Hashima binti Hashim. PhD thesis, Universiti of Malaya.

Nor Ilyani, Zainal (2011) Investigating the mediation effect of satisfaction on relationships between service quality and perceived value to loyalty : empirical evidence from telecommunication service centres in Malaysia / Nor Ilyani Binti Zainal. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Nor Saadah, Mohd Yusof (2011) An empirical kinetic approach to study the occurrence of ion exchange in the piperidinolysis of phenyl salicylate in the presence of cationic micelles and inert salts / Nor Saadah Mohd Yusof. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nor Zihan, Hussin (2011) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pemahaman mendengar dalam kurikulum bahasa Perancis di sekolah menengah di Malaysia / Nor Zihan Hussin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Norfarhan, Mohd Assa'ad (2011) Isolation and purification of glutathione transferases from Donax sp. / Norfarhan Mohd Assa'ad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Norhayati, Che Hat (2011) Keberkesanan animasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab / Norhayati binti Che Hat. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Norliza, Hj. Jamaluddin (2011) Analisis kata sifat bahasa melayu berdasarkan data korpus berkomputer / Norliza Hj. Jamaluddin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Normarya Omar, Syaza (2011) Gender exclusion in job advertisments / Syaza Normarya Omar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Normazuin, Abdul Rahman (2011) Synthesis of high surface area supported copper based-bimetallic catalysts for hydrogenation of fatty alcohols to fatty amines / Normazuin Abdul Rahman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Norzilawati, Ishak (2011) A transitivity analysis of anthropomorphic animals in animal fantasy stories / Norzilawati Ishak. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nur Evelyn, Ghazali (2011) ASEAN in the Malaysian English news print media : A critical discourse analysis / Nur Evelyn Ghazali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nur Ezira, Ramli (2011) A study on environmental aspects and associated impacts of selected farms management practices / Nur Ezira Ramli. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nur Hafizah, Ahmad Tajuddin (2011) Penguasaan kemahiran sebutan bahasa Arab melalui keadah transliterasi : Satu penilaian / Nur Hafizah Ahmad Tajuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nur Hayati, Hussin (2011) Hydrogeochemical study and iron removal of groundwater in North Kelantan / Nur Hayati Hussin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Nur Zawani, Saharuddin (2011) Modelling of 132kV overhead transmission lines by using ATP/EMTP for back-flashover pattern recognition / Nur Zawani Saharuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nurah, Qulluw (2011) Nafaqat al-zawjah al-amilah: Dirasah maydaniyah fi Madinah satif bi-al-Jaza'ir / Nurah Qulluw. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nurshafiza, Shahabudin (2011) Copolymers of methyl methacrylate and a palm oil-based macromer as dental materials / Nurshafiza Shahabudin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nurul Yani, Rahim (2011) Extraction behaviour of Cu(II) and Fe(III) from chloride medium to the hydrophobic ionic liquids using 1,10-phenanthroline / Nurul Yani Rahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Nurzahidah , Jaapar (2011) Perkahwinan campur dan hubungannya dengan kebahagiaan keluarga: Kajian di Selangor / Nurzahidah Jaapar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Omar Soltan, Fatma K. (2011) Coronal microleakage of different post systems used in endodontically treated teeth / Fatma K. Omar Soltan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ong, Kiah Ju (2011) Investigation of antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Portulaca Oleracea / Ong Kiah Ju. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ong, Lin Dar (2011) Trust in co-workers as a mediator of co-workers' trustworthiness, social undermining behaviour, and job performance / Ong Lin Dar. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ooi, Mei Lee (2011) Reactivity studies of cyclopentadienyl complexes of group 6 metals with arylsulfides, organo P-S and P-Se heterocycles and arylthiolate phosphine ligands / Ooi Mei Lee. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Palanandy, Jayanthi (2011) Permindahan leksis Bahasa Inggeris dalam cerpen Tamil / Jayanthi Palanandy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Park, Jong Choon (2011) Issues and challenges in introducing Islamic finance in Korea / Park Jong Choon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Pauzi, Norhidayah (2011) Penggunaan bone China menurut perspektif syarak / Norhidayah binti Pauzi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Penafort, Frances Mary (2011) Exploring the efficacy of integrated pest management technology and innovation diffusion in Malaysia : a case study approach / Frances Mary Penafort. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Peter, Abioye Olabisi (2011) Enhanced bioremediation of soil contaminated with used lubricating oil / Abioye Olabisi Peter. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Ponnudurai, Prema (2011) The impact of learning environment on argumentative content and vocabulary usage / Prema Ponnudurai. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Prakoso, Sasongko Yudho (2011) Non interest income in bank diversification : evidence from Malaysia / Sasongko Yudho Prakoso. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Quah, Chee Heong (2011) Identification of optimal currency areas in East Asia : a clustering approach / Quah Chee Heong. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Rafezah, Razali (2011) Detection of low density lipoprotein receptor gene mutations in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia / Rafezah Razali. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Raja Faridatul Adlin, Raja Arif (2011) Organizational strategy and employee outcomes : a person-organization fit perspective / Raja Faridatul Adlin binti Raja Arif. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Raja Jamilah, Raja Yusof (2011) Information visualization with vocabulary tracking for word recognition in Qur’anic verses / Raja Jamilah Raja Yusof. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Rajoo, Theanmolzhi (2011) Inter-Gender code switching among primary school learners / Theanmolzhi Rajoo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Raju, Mohana (2011) Language choice and shift among families of sino-malay mixed marriages / Mohana Raju. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Rama, Rathimalar (2011) Structure and use of pronouns in Malaysia spoken tamil : A sociolinguistic study / Rathimalar Rama. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..

Ramakrishnan, Shalini (2011) English language needs of investigating officers in a criminal investigation department / Shalini Ramakrishnan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Ramirez Azua, Daniela (2011) Evaluation of the potential of jatropha in the clean development mechanism / Daniela Ramirez Azua. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ramli, Rahisam (2011) Keberkesanan agihan zakat dalam membasmi kemiskinan : kajian terhadap asnaf fakir dan miskin di Negeri Sembilan / Rahisam bin Ramli. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ricardo, Mariano Reyes (2011) Anglicisms in Spanish computer language : the birth of Cyber Verbs / Ricardo Mariono Reyes. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Ritikos, Richard (2011) Fabrication and characterization of polymeric and nanostructured carbon nitride thin films : a simple difference in electrode distance / Richard anak Ritikos. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Rohana, Ngah (2011) The relationship of intellectual capital, knowledge sharing and innovation on organizational performance of Malaysia's small and medium enterprises / Rohana Ngah. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Rosliza, Rosli (2011) Gender differences in communication patterns in job interviews / Rosliza Rosli. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Rosniza, Othman (2011) Mihrab design and ornamentation of selected mosques in Malaysia / Rosniza Othman. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Rosslina, Ahmad Mokhtar (2011) Quality of work life orientation : antecedents and effects on organizational commitment in the Malaysian public service / Rosslina binti Ahmad Mokhtar. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Rozaimah, Zainudin (2011) Hedging effectiveness in crude palm oil market / Rozaimah Zainudin. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.


S Muthusamy, M Xavier Thayalan (2011) Social networking strategies and tactics among tertiary student bloggers / M Xavier Thayalan S Muthusamy. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sabariah, Othman (2011) Masalah penyebutan huruf Al-Qur'an di kalangan saudara baru : satu kajian kes / Sabariah Othman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sadasevevam, Rushitha (2011) Antioxidant activity of pleurotus species and antidiabetic activity of pleurotus citrinopileatus (singer) / Rushitha Sadasevevam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Sadek, Deboucha (2011) Engineering properties of compressed bricks based on stabilised peat soils / Sadek Deboucha. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Saeidi, Alireza (2011) Analysis of transgenic wild rice : molecular confirmation of transgene presence and risk assessment for pollen viability / Alireza Saeidi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Saidin, Nurulaina (2011) Isolation and purification of a bioactive protein from indigenous basidiomycete Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat / Nurulaina binti Saidin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Saif , Zeyad Mustafa (2011) Numerical study of helical savonius rotor in urban areas / Saif Zeyad Mustafa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Sakhaei, Nasim (2011) Effect of urea on warfarin-human serum albumin complex: fluorscence study / Nasim Sakhaei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Salehi, Nafiseh (2011) Adaptation of the EFL methods course in the classroom : a case study / Nafiseh Salehi. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Shaher Yafouz, Bashar Mohammed (2011) Malay children vowel recognition using feed-forward back propagation and Elman neural networks / Bashar Mohammed Shaher Yafouz. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Shahri, Nikoo Karimi (2011) Dividend policy in public listed companies in emerging markets : the case of Malaysia / Nikoo Karimi Shahri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shahrokhi, Mohsen (2011) A sociopragmatic study of linguistic politeness in Iranian requests and apologies / Mohsen Shahrokhi. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Shahrulzaman, Shaharuddin (2011) Effects of different equilibration duration, vapour exposure temperature and vapour exposure duration on the sperm freezability of Thai mahseer (Tor tambroides) / Shahrulzaman Shaharuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shairah, Abdul Razak (2011) Mining and validation of EST-microsatellites in freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii / Shairah Abdul Razak. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shamrulazhar, Shamzir Kamal (2011) The effects of Orthosiphon stamineus, Morinda citrifolia and Centella asiatica on yogurt fermentation and functional properties / Shamrulazhar Shamzir Kamal. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shamsidar, Sopie (2011) Simulation of MinD pattern formation in escherichia coli in the absence of MinE / Shamsidar Sopie. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shanmugam, Chanderan (2011) The comparison of protaper and k-flexofiles in preparation of curved canals / Chanderan Shanmugam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shanmugam, Thamilanban (2011) Analisis kohesi dalam karangan bahasa Tamil pelajar tingkatan tiga / Thamilanban Shanmugam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Shobeiri, Azadeh (2011) A study of communication strategies among foreign waiters in Malaysia / Azadeh Shobeiri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shofaei, Maryam Dalili (2011) Differentiation of two taxa of caulerpa based on tufa marker / Maryam Dalili Shofaei. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Shoja, Maryam (2011) Bahasa Malaysia for the University of Malaya International students : a needs analysis / Maryam Shoja. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sim, Shin Zhu (2011) A distribution arising from a random walk on the plane / Sim Shin Zhu. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Sin, Jane Boon Jiuan (2011) Prediction of non financial firms merger and acquisition : an empirical study of Malaysian firms / Sin Boon Jiuan, Jane. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Sinakalai, Suppayah (2011) An empirical study on volatility in the Malaysian stock market / Suppayah Sinakalai. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sinnandavar, Chandra Mohan (2011) The relationship between personality traits and driver job performance : an empirical study of Haulage companies in Peninsular Malaysia / Chandra Mohan a/l Sinnandavar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Siti Aishah, Kamarul Baharain (2011) Landfill methane oxidation using biocover under laboratory conditions / Siti Aishah Kamarul Baharain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Farah, Mat Daud (2011) Pemaparan idea dan penguasaan bahasa dalam karangan pelajar lembam : satu kajian kes / Siti Farah Mat Daud. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Hajar, Mohd Hussain (2011) Factors contributing to misconduct among employees in Malaysia / Siti Hajar binti Mohd Hussain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Marjiana, Ismail (2011) The production of antioxidants via solid substrate fermentation using Lentinus Squarrosulus (Mont.) / Siti Marjiana Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Nazziera, Mokhtar (2011) A comparison study on different methods in building construction activity towards waste minimization / Siti Nazziera Binti Mokhtar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Nor Farhana, Yusuf (2011) Preparation and characterisation of n-phthaloylchitosan based polymer electrolyte for application in dyesensitized solar cell / Siti Nor Farhana Yusuf. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Nurur Raihan, Mohd Kamal (2011) Study on the supramolecular interaction of inclision complex of β - Cyclodextrin with dithizone and dithizone-zinc and its analytical application / Siti Nurur Raihan Mohd Kamal. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Sarah, Ibrahim (2011) Metodologi penulisan hadith hukum: Kajian perbandingan antara kitab almuntaqa dengan bulugh al-maram / Siti Sarah Ibrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Siti Zaleha , Isa (2011) Synthesis and characterization of flexible polyurethane foam from liquid natural rubber-based polyol / Siti Zaleha Isa. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sobhanzadeh, Elham (2011) Multiresidue determination of pesticides in olive and palm oil by LC-QTOF-MS / Elham Sobhanzadeh. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Soh, Ye Chen (2011) Molecular characterisation of soil bacteria degrading pseudomonas quinolone signal / Soh Ye Chen@Su Yuzhen Eliza. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Soo, Ching Siew (2011) Conversion of spent mushroom sawdust substrate to simple sugars for bioethanol production / Soo Ching Siew. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Soo, Pui Ling (2011) Malaysian english lexicalization in blogs : peception of ESL teachers and postgraduate students / Soo Pui Ling. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Soo, Ruey Shing (2011) Academic English language needs of foundation students in Universiti Industri Selangor / Soo Ruey Shing. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Soo, Yew Phong (2011) Pemilihan bahasa dalam komunikasi berbantukan komputer dalam kalangan mahasiswa Cina / Soo Yew Phong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Sotoodehnia, Poopak (2011) Waste paper generation in University of Malaya / Poopak Sotoodehnia. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Subramaniam, Gopi (2011) Decision factors for the adoption of online banking / Gopi a/l Subramaniam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Subramaniam, Jagan Rao (2011) The concept of messenger in Hinduism and Islam : a comparative study / Jagan Rao Subramaniam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Subramaniam, Radika (2011) A study of Malay ESL learners use of determiners / Radika Subramaniam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Subramaniam, Ravichandran K. (2011) Investment opportunity set and dividend policy in Malaysia : some evidence on the role of government ownership, family ownership, board size and board composition / Ravichandran K. Subramaniam. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Subrayan @ Michael, Joyes Sheela (2011) A study of the morphological processes of neologisms in the media / Joyes Sheela A/P Subrayan @ Michael. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Sulaiman, Isamedin Abdelrahman Ibrahim (2011) The relationship between language anxiety and english reading and writng task performance / Isamedin Abdelrahman Ibrahim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Suppiah, Loganayahi (2011) The construction of power in the spoken discourse of a Malaysian child / Loganayahi Suppiah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Suria, Zainuddin (2011) Budget participation and managerial performance : the role of organisational fairness, motivation and organisational cuture / Suria Zainuddin. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Suriani , Ibrahim (2011) Synthesis and characterizations of novel solid polymer electrolytes with carbon nanotube as a filler / Suriani Ibrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Surianor, Kamaralzaman (2011) Market integration and international portfolio diversification from Malaysian perspective / Surianor Binti Kamaralzaman. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Susana, Mohd Nasir (2011) Improving bank's attitude towards financing the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) : a case for Malaysia / Susana Mohd Nasir. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Syamsuri, - (2011) Pelaksanaan koperasi pondok pesantren: Kajian di Pondok Moden Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia / Syamsuri. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.


Tahir, Zulazhar (2011) Sistem keadilan jenayah di Malaysia : suatu analisis dari perspektif hak-hak tertuduh / Zulazhar bin Tahir. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Tan, Cheau Yuaan (2011) Effect of lysine modification on the conformational stability of a-Amylase / Tan Cheau Yuaan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Tan, Lee Na (2011) Kemahiran mendengar pelajar Melayu dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin : satu kajian kes / Tan Lee Na. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Tan, Wei Lun (2011) Production of caprine and bovine in vitro-fertilised as well as parthenogenetic embryos and an attempt to vitrify in vivo- and in vitro-derived embryos / Tan Wei Lun. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Teh, Cindy Shuan Ju (2011) Comparative genomic analysis of Vibrio Cholerae and its colonization factors / Cindy Teh Shuan Ju. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Thaib, Sulaiman Muhamad (2011) Islam dan pengaruhnya terhadap kerajaan Melayu Batubara (1900-1945) Sumatera Utara, Indonesia / Sulaiman Muhamad Thaib. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Tham, Chi Meng (2011) Effect of nanofluid-based absorbers on direct solar collector / Tham Chi Meng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Then, Sonja (2011) Self-healing polymeric materials for potential dental application / Sonja Then. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Turkustani, Ala'a Mohammed Amin A (2011) Analyzing Arabic-English interlanguage coda consonant clusters : optimality theoretic approach / Ala'a Mohammed Amin A Turkustani. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Uzukwu Emmanuel, Uchenna (2011) The effects of tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and avocado (Persea americana) seeds on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in rats / Uzukwu Emmanuel Uchenna. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Velu, Saraswati S. (2011) Biomimetic synthesis of oligostilbenoids and its mechanistic implications / Saraswati S. Velu. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Vengidasan, Lelamekala (2011) TERF2 gene expression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia / Lelamekala Vengidasan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.


Wahid, Abdul (2011) Pendidikan Islam di Pulau Bawean Jawa Timur Indonesia: sejarah dan perkembangannya / Abdul Wahid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Azlina, Wan Ismail (2011) Kindergartens' landscape : the effect of outdoor play space on children's play and performances / Wan Azlina Wan Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Hassan, Wan Mamat (2011) Politeness strategies in the context of selling-buying / Wan Hassan Wan Mamat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Kalthom, Yahya (2011) The relationship between corporate social responsibility orientation, marketing capabilities and organisational performance / Wan Kalthom Hj Yahya. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Khairuldin, Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus (2011) Metode fatwa Sheikh 'Ali Juma'ah dalam kitab al-Kalim al-tayyib - fatawa 'asriyyah / Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus bin Wan Khairuldin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Mahmud, Wan Zahari (2011) Penguasaan perbendaharaan kata Arab dalam pendidikan syariah Islamiah : kajian di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Perak, Jasin, Melaka / Wan Zahari bin Wan Mahmud. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Mohd Zamri, W Ismail (2011) Groundwater management system using hydrogeological model in Sg. Kelantan river basin / Wan Mohd Zamri W Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Siti Adibah, Wan Dahalan (2011) Chemical shipments through the Straits of Malacca: An analysis from a Malaysian legal perspective/ Wan Siti Adibah binti Wan Dahalan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Wan Siti Adibah, Wan Dahalan (2011) Chemical shipments through the straits of Malacca: An analysis from a Malaysian legal perspective / Wan Siti Adibah Wan Dahalan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Wang, Hang Min (2011) Malaysian construction firms : motivation for ISO 9000 certification, implementation effort and firm performance / Wang Hang Min. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Woi, Pei Meng (2011) Electrocatalysis studies related to [FeFe]-hydrogenase / Woi Pei Meng. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.


Yaakob, Mohd Aizul (2011) Riwayat mengenai kelebihan bulan Hijri dalam Jam'u al-fawa'id wa jawahir al-qala'id oleh Syeikh Dawud al-Fatani : takhrij dan analisis / Mohd Aizul bin Yaakob. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yahaya, Zainal Abidin (2011) Hukum pengambilan makanan segera : kajian di Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) / Zainal Abidin bin Yahaya. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yahya, Mohd Afif (2011) Keterlibatan remaja dalam lumba haram di Daerah Larut dan Matang, Perak : kajian daripada perspektif pembangunan insan / Mohd Afif bin Yahya. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yap, Kiew Heong (2011) Corporate governance, ownership structures and internet financial reporting in Malaysia / Yap Kiew Heong. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Yap, Wai Sum (2011) Biologically active alkaloids from kopsia / Yap Wai Sum. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Ye, Fu Hai (2011) The impact of extrinsic and intrinsic work motivation on job satisfaction among employees in Malaysian service industry / Ye Fu Hai. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yew, Han Choi (2011) Determination of the effects of ficus deltoidea fractions with antioxidative and anticancer properties on the proteome profile of selected cancer cell lines / Yew Han Choi. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Yew, Ming Chian (2011) Investigation on water-borne intumescent fire protective coatings for steel / Yew Ming Chian. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Yong, Siu Fung (2011) Superplastic boronizing on duplex stainless steel (DSS) using compression method / Yong Siu Fung. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Yusof, Kamarul Hazani (2011) Pelaksanaan program amali solat dalam Perkara Asas Fardu Ain (PAFA) : kajian di sekolah menengah Daerah Hulu Langat / Kamarul Hazani bt Yusof. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yusop, Mohd Army (2011) Pengajian Hadith di Madrasah Miftahul Ulum, Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur / Mohd Army bin Yusop. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Yusuf, Nor Azma (2011) Biomass and selected flavonoids production in cell suspension cultures of boesenbergia rotunda (L.) mansf. / Nor Azma binti Yusuf. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.


Zaeim, Nasrin Asle (2011) A population study of nypa fruticans (arecaceae) on Carey Island, Malaysia / Nasrin Asle Zaeim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Zailin, Zainal Ariffin (2011) The relationship between American popular culture and some selected aspects of consumer behaviour : a study of Malaysian adolescents / Zailin Zainal Ariffin. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.

Zamani-Farahani, Hamira (2011) Socio-cultural impacts of tourism in Iran : a study of Masooleh and Sare'in / Hamira Zamani-Farahani. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Zanaton, Iksan (2011) Amalan penyoalan lisan guru kimia dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran elektrokimia / Zanaton Haji Iksan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Zein, Muhamad (2011) Peranan Al-Jam'iyatul Washliyah dalam pendidikan Islam di Medan, Sumatera Utara / Muhammad Zein. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.

Zhao, Wen Jie (2011) Consumer complaint behaviour and the effectiveness of consumer court in Malaysia / Zhao Wen Jie. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 04:03:51 2025 MYT.