Number of items: 484.
A. Hamid, Abdul Haris (2002) Sejarah perkembangan ajaran sesat di Hulu Besut, Terengganu / by Abdul Haris bin A. Hamid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
A. Rahman, Rozia Hanis (2002) Penghayatan ajaran al-Qur'an dalam khidmat nasihat Pusat Pembangunan Keluarga Islam, Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur / Rozia Hanis binti A. Rahman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
A. S., Efrizal (2002) Karya-karya B.M. Syamsuddin : satu analisis intrinsik dan ektrinsik / oleh Efrizal A. S. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abd. Aziz, Azlina (2002) Faktor yang mempengaruhi pasaran wang di Malaysia serta kesannya ke atas dasar kewangan / Azlina Abd. Aziz. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abd. Halil , Omar (2002) Sistem pengurusan maklumat pelajar Kolej Tun Ahmad Zaidi / Abd. Halil Omar. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Abd. Rahman, Jr. Abd Manaff (2002) An error analysis of English interrogatives : a case study / by Jr. Abd Manaff b. Abd. Rahman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abdalla Subair, Abdelnasir Osman (2002) A syntactic study of errors in tense of Malays learning Arabic : with special reference to IIUM, Matriculation Centre students / Abdelnasir Osman Abdalla Subair. PhD thesis, University of Malaya .
Abduk Khalek, Aiedah (2002) Penglibatan wanita dalam parti politik menurut Islam : suatu kajian pemahamannya di kalangan masyarakat Lembah Pantai / Aiedah Bt. Abdul Khalek. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Aziz, Azhar (2002) Peranan sains perubatan dalam menentukan hukum keharusan fasakh kerana penyakit / Azhar Abdul Aziz. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Faisal (2002) Dato' Haji Ismail Yusoff : sumbangannya terhadap perkembangan Islam di Kelantan Ahmad Faisal Abdul Hamid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Abdul Hamid, Nor Fazilah (2002) Perkembangan dan pencapaian UMNO Melaka 1946-1988 / oleh Nor Fazilah bte. Abdul Hamid. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Karim, Abdul Salim (2002) An evaluation of critical thinking skills : a case study / Abdul Salim bin Abdul Karim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abdul Khir, Mohd Fahmi (2002) Pengguguran kata dan ayat : satu analisis kemukjizatan al-Quran / by Mohd Fahmi Abdul Khir. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdul Rahman, Nafisiah (2002) Pengaruh falsafah pascamoden dalam pemikiran barat / Nafisiah binti Haji Abdul Rahman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abdul Rashid, Roswati (2002) Analisis kesilapan ayat-ayat bersyarat bahasa Jepun di kalangan pelajar-pelajar Melayu / Roswati Abdul Rashid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abdul Samad, Sa'diah (2002) Kesan poligami terhadap keluarga Islam : suatu kajian di Langkawi Kedah / Sa'diah Abdul Samad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Ab. Aziz (2002) Penggunaan huruf-huruf Muqatta'ah di awal surah dan kaitannya dengan kandungan surah al-Quran : satu analisis / Ab. Aziz Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Mat Hassan (2002) Penyimpangan bahasa dalam karya kreatif : kajian terhadap novel Tok Guru dan Di Hadapan Pulau / Mat Hassan bin Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Md. Azman (2002) Pendudukan dan pentadbiran Jepun di Melaka (1942-45) / Md. Azman bin Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Mohd Hilmi (2002) Pemikiran nahu al-Zamakhsyariy dalam tafsir al-Kasysyaf / disediakan oleh Mohd. Hilmi bin Abdullah. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Shuhairimi (2002) Penetapan kadar kos perbicaraan dalam penghakiman di Mahkamah Syariah : satu kajian di Mahkamah Syariah Selangor / Shuhairimi bin Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Suhaillah (2002) MABOPA : sejarah dan perkembangan Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia / Suhaillah Abdullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abdullah, Suhanim (2002) Sistem pendidikan tradisional dalam peradaban Melayu : satu analisis / Suhanim binti Abdullah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Abrahim, Irwaan Iskandar (2002) The relationship between selected economic indicators and the Malaysian stock index futures / Irwaan Iskandar Abrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Abu Bakar, Amir Raslan (2002) The implications of the financial crisis for Malaysian economy / Amir Raslan Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abu Bakar, Azizi (2002) Amanah Saham Kedah (ASK) : satu penilaian dari perspektif hukum muamalat / Azizi Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abu Bakar, Mohamad Amin (2002) Pemakaian asas astronomi dalam menentukan arah qiblat di Malaysia : suatu pendekatan hukum / Mohamad Amin Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Abu Bakar, Raida (2002) An empirical analysis of the relationship between training and organizational commitment : a study of organizations in Malaysia / Raida Abu Bakar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Adilah, Ahmad Kamal (2002) Pakej cerita-Cerita Islam untuk kanak-kanak (kisah & teladan) / Adilah Ahmad Kamal. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Adnan, Mohd Azli (2002) Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) : sumbangannya terhadap pendidikan Islam di Malaysia / Mohd Azli bin Adnan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Afidah, Kamaruddin (2002) Sistem pengagihan pekerja projek / Afidah Kamaruddin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmad, Mohammad Nazzri (2002) Pemikiran Melayu dalam seni ukiran kayu : tumpuan kepada tiga generasi pengukir / Mohammad Nazzri bin Ahmad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya .
Ahmad, Zuriyati (2002) Analisis kesan-kesan kemasukan pelaburan langsung asing (FDI) ke atas ekonomi Malaysia / Zuriyati binti Ahmad. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ahmad, Zuriyati (2002) Analisis kesan-kesan kemasukan pelaburan langsung asing (FDI) ke atas ekonomi Malaysia / Zuriyati Ahmad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Ahmad @ Mohd Zain, Mohd Zahiruddin (2002) Dato' Haji Muhammad bin Nasir : sumbangannya kepada pendidikan Islam / Mohd Zahiruddin Ahmad @ Mohd Zain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmad Farouk, Azeem Fazwan (2002) Culture and politics : an analysis of United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) 1946-1999 / by Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ahmad Nawawi, Ahmad Marzuki (2002) Malaysian automotive industry's technological capabilities in meeting the defence requirements / Ahmad Marzuki bin Ahmad Nawawi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Aizan Fareena , Muhamad (2002) Ensiklopedia: The body system / Aizan Fareena Muhamad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Alias, Bateriah (2002) Emansipasi wanita : suatu kajian terhadap pandangan wanita Islam di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Kampus Seksyen 17, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Bateriah Alias. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..
Alias, Siti Hajar (2002) A case tool for code inspection / by Siti Hajar binti Alias. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Amin, Saidul (2002) Perdebatan kaum tua dan kaum muda di Minangkabau dalam beberapa masalah pemikiran Islam / Saidul Amin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ammar, Mohd. Zain (2002) Siri indeks Al-Quran Surah Al-Ikhlaas / Ammar Mohd. Zain. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ang, Seok Luan (2002) Family information system (Familyis) / Ang Seok Luan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ang , Cheng Siong (2002) Web-based laundry management system / Ang Cheng Siong. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Aniza, Sabjan (2002) An information kiosk on Malaysian cuisine 1 Citra Rasa Malaysia on line / Aniza Sabjan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Arbain, Paharudin (2002) Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIPK) : suatu tinjauan terhadap peranan dan perancangan masa depannya terhadap Sekolah Menengah Agama Rakyat (SMAR) di Perak / Paharudin Arbain. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Arifin, Zainal (2002) Pemuda Indonesia : keterlibatan dalam politik dan pembangunan negara / Zainal Arifin. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Arpah, Abu (2002) Ujian berelektronik sistem pengskoran dan pengredan ujian berelektronik / Arpah Abu. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Asfalela, Amiruddin (2002) Sistem Inventori Perkakasan Sekolah: Kajian Kes di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tengku Ampuan Jemaah Pelabuhan Kelang / Asfalela Amiruddin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Asid, Rozilee (2002) Total factor productivity and performance of resource-based industry in Malaysia / Rozilee bin Asid. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Asmi, Osman @ Ahmad (2002) Perpustakaan digital: Pembangunan sumber secara kolaboratif (Malaysian History Online (MHO) / Asmi Osman @ Ahmad. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Avinash Pratap, Ramasamy (2002) Web-based counseling system / Avinash Pratap Ramasamy. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Awangku Fadzillah , Awangku Kasumajaya (2002) Sistem Informasi Tajaan Pengajian (SITP) / Awangku Fadzillah Awangku Kasumajaya. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Azlan, Amran (2002) An empirical investigation of the effect of quarterly reporting requirement on the timeliness of corporate annual reporting / Azlan Amran. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Azrilnizam, Nyan @ Mustaffa (2002) Peta interaktif Malaysia / Azrilnizam Nyan @ Mustaffa. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Badrul, Hasanah (2002) Industri pengeluaran makanan di Malaysia : prospek dan cabaran / Hasanah binti Badrul. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Badrul, Hasanah (2002) Industri pengeluaran makanan di Malaysia : prospek dan cabaran / Hasanah binti Badrul. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Baharudin, Hazarudin (2002) Teori pengislaman ilmu Ismail Al-Faruqi : suatu kajian terhadap pelaksanaan pakej Sijil Terbuka (SPM/KBSM) Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia / by Hazarudin Baharudin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Bakeri, Amaluddin (2002) Hubungan petempatan Kampung Air Sarawak dengan Negara Brunei Darussalam : kajian kes di Kampung Seberang Kedai, Limbang / Amaluddin bin Bakeri. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Balakrishnan, Balamugilan (2002) Developing technological capabilities on the upstream petroleum sector : a case study of Petronas / by Balamugilan Balakrishnan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Barom, Mohd Nizam (2002) An analysis of the Islamic unit trusts in Malaysia / Mohd Nizam Barom. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Bathman, Coreen Michele. (2002) The need for a competition policy in Malaysia / Bathman, Coreen Michele. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Chan, Jin Hooi (2002) A study on the sustainable development of Cameron Highlands / Chan Jin Hooi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chan, Pui Ling (2002) A survey of pesticide residues in blood of school children in peninsular Malaysia and toxic effects of orally-administered endosulfan in rats / Chan Pui Ling. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Chan, Siok Gim (2002) Correlates of deviant behaviour : an etiological study / Chan, Siok Gim. PhD thesis, University of Malaya .
Chan , Chong Wah (2002) Intelligent score agent web monitoring & retrieving system / Chan Chong Wah. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chang, Chin Hung (2002) Book Processing System (bps) for bookstore / Chang Chin Hung. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chang, Choon Tuck (2002) Online community system information system / Chang Choon Tuck. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Che, Chong Lee (2002) Family information system / Che Chong Lee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Che Omar, Siti Zarinah (2002) Hubungan komunikasi pengetua dengan kepuasan kerja guru di sebuah sekolah menengah Kuala Lumpur / Siti Zarinah bt. Che Omar. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Chee , Kim Shih (2002) Online Reservation System / Chee Kim Shih. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chelliah, C. Thaneswary (2002) Bond rating of upgrades and downgrades : the impact on stock returns / C.Thaneswary Chelliah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chen , Kok Foong (2002) Pangkalan data perintah-perintah am dan pekeliling Kementerian Pendidikan / Chen Kok Foong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Cheong , Kok Yan (2002) Branch credit information system (BCIS) / Cheong Kok Yan. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chew, Boon Piew (2002) Sistem maklumat penapis air / Chew Boon Piew. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chew, Boon Piew (2002) Sistem maklumat penapis air / Chew Boon Piew. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chew, Chong Sin (2002) Challenges facing by Malaysian SMEs in an increasingly liberalised and globalised economy / Chew Chong Sin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chew, Hock Poon (2002) "Would bond market be a more viable investment alternative to the stock market?" / Chew Hock Poon. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chew , Boon Piew (2002) Sistem maklumat penapis air / Chew Boon Piew. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chia, Chin Yang (2002) Modelling of space charge effects in the electrical discharge of nitrogen gas laser / by Chia Chin Yang. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Chiang, Ming Chin (2002) Sale Force Automation System / Chiang Ming Chin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chin, Chiew Foan (2002) Genetic variability studies in a selected population of Azadirachta excelsa (sentang) with AFLP marker technology / Chin, Chiew Foan. PhD thesis, University of Malaya..
Chin, Kho Nee (2002) Penggunaan media di kalangan minoriti : satu kajian kes golongan cacat penglihatan di Kuala Lumpur / Chin Kho Nee. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chin , Wan Sin (2002) Collaborative learning tools (main module) / Chin Wan Sin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ching, Gwek Cheng (2002) Development of a customisable object-oriented tool for production planning / by Ching Gwek Cheng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Ching, Jin Yih (2002) Penyesuaian imigran dalam masyarakat majmuk : satu kajian ke atas peradaban orang Cina dalam era kemerdekaan Malaya Ching, Jin Yih. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ching, Yu Yu (2002) Easytrip Information System (ETIS) Backend System / Ching Yu Yu. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chinnakannu Reday, Krishna Murthy (2002) Perkembangan idea nasionalisme di Filipina sehingga pembentukan Republik Malolos : suatu perjuangan daripada pasif kepada aktif / Krishna Murthy a/l Chinnakannu Reday. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chong, Chien Hwa; Kho, Puay Eng (2002) Evidence of short-run persistence in unit trusts performance in Malaysia / Chong Chien Hwa and Kho Puay Eng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Chin Sieng (2002) Dynamic interactions among stock prices, interest rates, real activity and money in Malaysia / Chong Chin Sieng. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Chong, Fionne Lai Fung (2002) Online advertising using Banner Exchange among Malaysian Dot Com companies / Fionne Chong Lai Fung. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Chong, Lee Kian (2002) Using analogues to predict student's performance and generate advice / Chong Lee Kian. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Choong, Kee Foong (2002) Analisis strategi retorik Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III tentang isu-isu perlembagaan Negeri Brunei dan Rancangan Malaysia, 1959-1963 / Choong Kee Foong. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Choy, Fook Kun (2002) Impact of land use change on hydroelectric power generation in Cameron Highlands / oleh Choy Fook Kun. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Chuah, Hai Ping (2002) Virtual FSKTM / Chuah Hai Ping. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chuah, Wee Heong (2002) Online Payment System / Chuah Wee Heong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Chuah , Poh Thye (2002) Paralympic Athlete Management System / Chuah Poh Thye. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
D. Reginald Mercer Nelson, Sagayamary (2002) Sejarah perkembangan politik Negeri Sembilan dalam abad ke-18 dan 19 / oleh Sagayamary a/p D. Reginald Mercer Nelson. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
David Gan, Chye Ong (2002) Smart Board Chat System / David Gan Chye Ong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Devit Raj, Arokiasamy (2002) Pakej pembelajaran perhubungan entiti / Devit Raj Arokiasamy. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Djalil, H. Munawar A. (2002) Pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Aceh tahun 1989-1998 menurut syariah dan perlembagaan Indonesia / oleh H. Munawar A. Djalil. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Elmasmari, Mohamed Masoud (2002) Modern Arabic film : a study of selected works of new Arab expressionist filmmakers / Mohamed Masoud Elmasmari. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Emirasfa, Abd Rashid (2002) Sistem penjanaan jadual waktu FSKTM / Emirasfa Abd Rashid. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Emirasfa, Abd. Rashid (2002) Sistem penjanaan jadual waktu FSKTM / Emirasfa Abd. Rashid. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Erin Andreana, Jacob (2002) A web-based baby names selection system report (babysport) / Erin Andreana Jacob. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ewe, Soo Yeong (2002) An evaluation of the financial sector master plan & the capital market master plan / by Ewe Soo Yeong. Masters thesis, universiti malaya.
Farah Adiba , Abd. Rahman (2002) Sistem pengurusan trafik secara elektronik (e-SPT) Pejabat Keselamatan Universiti Malaya / Farah Adiba Abd. Rahman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Fatmah @ Rafidah, Abd. Aziz (2002) Sistem Maklumat Inventori Perabot dan Alatan Pejabat di Sekolah (SISINV) / Fatmah @ Rafidah Abd. Aziz. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Fauziah , Mahmod (2002) Sistem pengesanan dan pembetulan ralat menggunakan teknik pengkodan Hamming dan pemeriksaan lewahan berkitar (CRC) / model pengekodan / Fauziah Mahmod. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Fazila , Ahmad (2002) Sistem maklumat perpustakaan / Fazila Ahmad. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Faznita, Baharun (2002) Tempat sejarah Islam utama (TSIU) / Faznita Baharun. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Fong, Poh Chee (2002) Success factors of information technology project implementation : a case study of a manufacturing company / Foong Poh Chee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Foo, Ai Ting (2002) Linkages between the Malaysian and other selected stock markets before and after the 1997 financial crisis : evidence from cointegration tests / Foo, Ai Ting. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Foo, May Wand (2002) Returns and volatility in the Malaysian stock market : a sectoral study on day-of-the-week effects and causal relationship / by Foo May Wand. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Foong, Yoong Ying (2002) Estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate in Malaysia / Yoong Ying Foong. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Fuad, Mahmud Zaki (2002) Pembaharuan dalam undang-undang Islam : kajian terhadap status hakim wanita di Indonesia Mahmud Zaki Fuad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Gan, Che Sheng (2002) On minimal regular graphs with given constraintsm / Gan, Che Sheng. PhD thesis, University of Malaya..
Gan, Chee Wei (2002) Internet financial reporting : an investigation of firm characteristics / Gan Chee Wei. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Gan, Hong Nian (2002) The implications of China's entry to World Trade Organization (WTO) : perceptions of Malaysia managers in electronic industry / Gan Hong Nian. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan, Yeong An (2002) Role and status of elderly in the family : a case study in Kampung Sg. Kayu Ara / Gan Yeong An. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan , Sze Kai (2002) Intrusion detection using artificial neural network / Gan Sze Kai. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Gan , Wei Leong (2002) FSKTM landscape committee homepage / Gan Wei Leong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Gloria , A.Roy Edawrd Entalai (2002) Artistiry web / Gloria A.Roy Edawrd Entalai. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Goh, Lee Zea (2002) The concerns and levels of use of the sixth form geography teachers in implementing the new sixth form geography curriculum / Goh Lee Zea @ Ngo Lee Zea. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Goi , Lai Yoong (2002) Web-based counseling system / Goi Lai Yoong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Gopal, Thanaraj (2002) Institusi gereja semasa penjajahan Sepanyol di Filipina : antara penyebaran agama kristian dan campur tangan dalam politik serta ekonomi / Thanaraj a/l Gopal. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Haji Gapor, Razaili (2002) Locus of control and the intention of being an entrepreneur among managers of Federal Development Authority Malaysia / Razaili bin Haji Gapor. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Haji Mohamed, Ibrahim (2002) Implikasi pemodenan tentera laut China ke atas keselamatan Asia Tenggara / Ibrahim Haji Mohamed. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya .
Halida, Burkhan (2002) Total kindergarten management system / Halida Burkhan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Hamid, Abdul (2002) The effect of weak acids hydrolysis on the sol-gel fabrication of silica thin film / Abdul Hamid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hamid, Normaizam (2002) Analisis kesilapan sintaksis dalam karangan di kalangan pelajar prauniversiti : satu kajian kes / Normaizam binti Hamid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Hamzah, Halipah (2002) Kefahaman tentang Al-Sakha dan penghayatannya di kalangan kakitangan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan / Halipah binti Hamzah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Harni Masnizah , Marat (2002) Online learning teaching material assistant (OLMA) / Harni Masnizah Marat. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hasan, Ismail (2002) Sistem penempahan bilik/ dewan/ makmal elektronik bagi Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat / Hasan Ismail. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Hashim, Abdul Hakim (2002) Nitriding of titanium by inductively coupled plasma / Abdul Hakim Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..
Hashim, Emilda (2002) Working women in Malaysia : past and future trends / Emilda binti Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hashim, Mohd. Ali (2002) Pendidikan Islam KBSR : asas pembentukan dan pelaksanaannya / Mohd. Ali Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hashim, Zulkarnain (2002) Corporate governance in Malaysia : a descriptive study / Zulkarnain bin Hashim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hasny, Zainal (2002) Pandangan Max Weber mengenai peranan protestantisme terhadap pembentukan sekularisme dalam tamadun barat / Hasny Zainal. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Hassan, Norhanizar (2002) Konsep 'ilmu dalam peradaban Islam di 'alam Melayu / Norhanizar binti Hassan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hazwani , Ishak (2002) Counting for preschool children (CPC) / Hazwani Ishak. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Heng, Phok Wee (2002) Surgical gloves contract packaging business : a feasibility study / Heng Phok Wee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Herman , Md. Tahir (2002) Sistem siri indeks Al-Quran Surah Al-Fatihah / Herman Md. Tahir. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Hii, Chin Sei (2002) Month-of-the-year and firm size effects on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange / by Hii Chin Sei. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hj. Arshad, Latifah (2002) Kefahaman pelajar tingkatan empat tentang kecerunan garis lurus / Latifah bte Hj. Arshad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hong , Wai Bing (2002) Bahan pengajaran bahasa Cina di sekolah menengah persendirian Cina di Malaysia : satu kajian kes / oleh Hong Wai Bing. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Hooi Shyen, Woon (2002) Information technology evaluation practices among Malaysian banks / Woon, Hooi Shyen. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
How, Men Mee (2002) Web-Based Business Planning System (Analysis and Forecast) / How Men Mee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
How, Shih Wei (2002) Course info center (cic) / How Shih Wei. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Hung, Yew Mun (2002) Strained quantum well heterostructure : modeling and simulation of 980 nm laser / Hung Yew Mun. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Husain, Zaini (2002) Sikap orang asli terhadap media / Zaini bin Husain. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Hussin, Saifuddin (2002) Penguasaan perbendaharaan kata Bahasa Arab di kalangan pelajar-pelajar tingkatan tiga : satu kajian kes di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (Agama) Negeri Melaka / Saifuddin Hussin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ibrahiem, Hossam Eldin (2002) Daman al-mithl in the contract of al-ijarah and al-rahn : a comparative jurisprudential study Ibrahiem, Hossam Eldin. PhD thesis, University of Malaya..
Idris, Hanizah (2002) Perkembangan perdagangan, perkapalan dan pelabuhan di British Borneo, 1800-1963 / Hanizah binti Idris. PhD thesis, University of Malaya .
Idris, Mohd. Yamani Idna (2002) A VHDL implementation of BIST technique in UART design / by Mohd. Yamani Idna bin Idris. Masters thesis, University of Malaya..
Islahudin, Ruslan Halim (2002) E-commerce and SMEs in Malaysia : challenges and future prospects / by Ruslan Halim Islahudin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ismail, Abu Zaki (2002) al-Khilafah al-Islamiyyah menurut al-Quran : suatu kajian terhadap kefahaman masyarakat Islam di Kuala Lumpur / Abu Zaki Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ismail, Zaiton (2002) Pengurusan institusi kesenian : kes Istana Budaya / oleh Zaiton bt. Ismail. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Jaganathan, Surendran (2002) Internet usage among medical doctors in Malaysia / Surendran Jaganathan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Jah, Sarjo (2002) An empirical investigation of the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and internal auditors' professional objectivity / Sarjo Jah. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Jamaluddin, Rosmawati (2002) Analisis kandungan buku teks mata pelajaran teras Tingkatan Lima (KBSM) : kajian terhadap aspek persembahan penulisan / Rosmawati binti Jamaluddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Jarina , Muhamad Ismail (2002) Perlaksanaan satu alatan pembaca Bahasa Melayu berdasarkan perbendaharaan kata tak tersekat / Jarina Muhamad Ismail. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Jasmi, Kamarul Azmi (2002) Paradigma al-Imam Al-Nawawi dalam pembangunan insan : satu kajian teks terhadap Kitab Riyad Al-Solihin / Kamarul Azmi b. Jasmi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Jayaweera, A. G. Nimal (2002) A study on library user education programmes in schools in Sri Lanka / by A.G. Nimal Jayaweera. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Johan Johari , Abdul Majid (2002) Laman web pengaturcaran (LWP) / Johan Johari Abdul Majid. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
John, Mersy L.; Teo, Meo Sing (2002) The implications of the Malaysia bank merger exercise / Mersy L. John and Teo Meo Sing. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Johriah Norfizlina, Ismail (2002) Multimedia training package on C# programming language / Johriah Norfizlina Ismail. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Joyce Jessica, Michael Gumpil (2002) Expert system on crop ecology adviser / Joyce Jessica Michael Gumpil. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Jusoh, Mohamad Fauzi (2002) Keberkesanan employee assistance program (EAP) sebagai kaedah kaunseling : satu kajian kes di Syarikat Telekom Malaysia Berhad / Mohamad Fauzi bin Jusoh. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
K., K. Ranchethamalar (2002) Cash flow statement : an empirical study of voluntary disclosure practices of Malaysian companies / K. Ranchethamalar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
K. Subramaniam, Ravichandran (2002) Distributability of profits : an empirical investigation of current practices in Malaysia / Ravichandran K. Subramaniam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kalpana, Govindan (2002) Laman web dengan suara bagi golongan kurang penglihatan / Kalpana Govindan. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kam, Lilian Monica Swee Lian (2002) Job satisfaction of employees in IT organizations with and without ISO 9000 certification / Lilian Monica Kam Swee Lian. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamariah, Lamim (2002) Sistem Tuntutan Insuran SisTI / Kamariah Lamim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamariah , Idris (2002) Sistem maklumat kenderaan Universiti Malaya (SIMKUM) / Kamariah Idris. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamaruddin, Sazali (2002) Employee perception on the implementation of the performance appraisal system at the University of Malaya / Sazali Kamaruddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kamin, Kamsuzilawati (2002) Penglibatan masyarakat Islam dalam aktiviti pelaburan di Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) : suatu kajian di Banting, Selangor / Kamsuzilawati binti Kamin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kannan, Panir Selvam Kannan (2002) An empirical investigation of the relationship between audit committee effectiveness and internal auditors' professional objectivity : a focus on financial institutions in Malaysia / Panir Selvam Kannan. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Kashmir Singh, Sarinder Kaur (2002) Evaluation of education system design using the socio-constructivist and software heuristic approaches / Sarinder Kaur a/p Kashmir Singh. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Kaur, Harjeet (2002) Firm characteristics and environmental disclosure practices : an empirical investigation of Malaysian public listed companies / Harjeet Kaur. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Khoo, Phaik Lin (2002) Government initiative in the policy and practice of sport for all in Malaysia / Khoo Phaik Lin (Selina). PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Khornelia , Ramli (2002) Pakej pembelajaran tajwid al-Quran (Modul 1) / Khornelia Ramli. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Kok, Chee Meng (2002) Organisational diagnostics and planned organisational change : a case on pharmaceutical firm / Kok Chee Meng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kow , Huey Ping (2002) Integrated business solution: e-Supplier / Kow Huey Ping. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Kwan, Kok Foo (2002) A conceptual model relating the quasi-biennial oscillation and the troposheric biennial oscillation / Kwan Kok Foo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Kwee, Geok Eng (2002) Network characteristics and its implications : case study of two firms in buyer-supplier relationships / Kwee Geok Eng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lai, Lee Ning (2002) Effects of a methanol extract of Eurycoma longifolia on the uptake and release of dopamine in rat brain synaptosomes / Lai Lee Ning. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Law , Yong Sein (2002) Lecturing materials generating tools (LMaGTool): Tools to support notes generating task / Law Yong Sein. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Le, Chew Fang (2002) Pakej pembelajaran bermultimedia untuk kanak-kanak prasekolah: Mengenal objek & warna / Le Chew Fang. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee, Chea Beng (2002) Determination of traces of heavy elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ca and Mg) in human teeth from Klang Valley and Malacca using ICP-AES and XRF techniques / by Lee Chea Beng. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Lee, Hong Yin (2002) Income tax preparation system / Lee Hong Yin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee, Siang Schee (2002) Online shopping cart & ordering system / Lee Siang Schee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee, Tick Seng (2002) An analysis of the demand for passenger rail services in peninsular Malaysia / Lee Tick Seng. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Lee, Yoong Hon (2002) An analysis of economic performance in relation to monetary policies and practices : a focus on ASEAN countries / Lee Yoong Hon. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Lee , Heng Siong (2002) Online room reservation and scheduling system for a hospital (ORRASH) / Lee Heng Siong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee , Lai Peng (2002) University of Malaya Online Vehicle Management System (OVMS) / Lee Lai Peng. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee , Pho Yen (2002) B2B portal: Order routing system / Lee Pho Yen. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lee , Siau Huey (2002) Procurement system for a clinic group / Lee Siau Huey. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Leong, Kok Wey (2002) A study on the effectiveness of US Special Operations Forces / by Leong Kok Wey. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Liana, Mohamed Kasah (2002) Pakej pembelajaran selangkah ke dunia abjad (SEDA) / Liana Mohamed Kasah. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Liang, Mei Keat (2002) Oxidation-induced stacking fault in (100) and (111) silicon wafers / Liang Mei Keat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Liew, Pek Yew (2002) Selective separation of lead (II) and cadmium (II) from simulated wastewater solutions by electrodeposition on carbon based electrodes / Liew Pek Yew. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Liew, Toh Peng (2002) Persistence of profits : intra-and inter-sector comparisons / Liew Toh Peng. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Liew , Chee Kit (2002) e-Scientific Calculator / Liew Chee Kit. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Liew , Yuh Tian (2002) Educational Mathematics Games (EMG) for algebra / Liew Yuh Tian. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lim, Boon Hong (2002) Online chatting system for online community system / Lim Boon Hong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Lim, Jans Mei Lin (2002) Risk-based audit approach in the internal audit department of a financial institution : a qualitative study / Jans Lim Mei Lin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lim, Pauline Meng Juak (2002) The building of a modern Turkish civilization : a study of Kemal Ataturk's vision and approach to nation-building / Pauline Lim Meng Juak. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Lim, Teck Chaii (2002) Strategies to market Malaysian palm oil overseas / Lim Teck Chaii. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lim , Chee Kau (2002) Medical inference system on arthritis using fuzzy relational theory / Lim Chee Kau. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lim , Tong Leong (2002) Academic Advisor System / Lim Tong Leong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ling, Seng Wah (2002) Better organization's performance in local commercial banking industry through strategic balance strategy / Ling Seng Wah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ling, Tek Soon (2002) Idea asas Deng Xiaoping terhadap reformasi pasaran sejak tahun 1978 / Ling Tek Soon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Lit , Lei Kheng (2002) Messaging Information System / Lit Lei Kheng. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Liza Maria , Mohmed (2002) Sistem Analisis Gred Untuk Penilaian Akademik (SAGA) / Liza Maria Mohmed. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Loh, Ching Ching (2002) Analysis of plastics in the tyre industry using Fourier transform infrared techniques, differential scanning calorimetry and softening point apparatus / by Loh Ching Ching. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Loh, Huai Peng; Tan, Siew Hwa (2002) An exploratory study of internet data centres in Malaysia / Loh Huai Peng, Tan Siew Hwa. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Loh, Lee Lee Ludher (2002) Chinese women in industrial home-based subcontracting in the garment industry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : neither valued nor costed / Lee Lee Loh-Ludher. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Loo , Chee Keong (2002) Client/server connection establishing and configuration / Loo Chee Keong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Louis Tan, Han Chooi (2002) Virtual auctions / Louis Tan Han Chooi. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Low, Soh Ping (2002) An empirical study of relationships between business culture and organizational learning of Malaysian organizations / Low Soh Ping. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Low, Elaine Ning Young (2002) Becoming a learning organization : a case of Malaysian financial institutions / Elaine Low Ning Young. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Ma, Hassan Xiao Yi (2002) Feasibility study of implementing islamic financial instruments in China / Hassan Ma Xiao Yi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Madavan, Renuvathani (2002) Enzyme profiles of Pycnoporus sanguineus growing in solid substrate fermentation on selected agro-residues / Renuvathani a/p Madavan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mahamud Azaki, Hanin (2002) Pemikiran Abu Yusuf mengenai kewangan Islam : kajian dalam Kitab al-Kharaj / Hanin Mahamud Azaki @ Marzuki. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mahizan Nani , M.Rajet (2002) Sistem underwriting bagi insurans nyawa (SUBINA)/ Mahizan Nani M.Rajet. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mahmood, Normazidah (2002) Soalan-soalan kemahiran menulis di dalam buku teks Bahasa Arab komunikasi : satu kajian kes / Normazidah Mahmood. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mahmud, Abdul Halim (2002) Perkembangan pendidikan di bawah pentadbiran Majlis Amanah Rakyat Mara (MARA), 1966-1990 / Abdul Halim bin Mahmud. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mahpol, Shahrizal (2002) Penguasaan tulisan jawi di kalangan pelajar Melayu : suatu kajian khusus di UiTM cawangan Kelantan / Shahrizal bin Mahpol. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Major Maryo, Mariot (2002) Sistem Pencarian Rumah / Major Maryo Mariot. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mamat, Nawi (2002) Tahqiq Kitab Ghayat Al-Maram mengenai haji dan umrah karangan Syeikh Daud Abdullah Al-Fatani / Nawi bin Mamat. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mamat, Nor Asikir (2002) Stabilization and solidification of palm oil mill effluent sludge and a pure model study using cementitious technique / Nor Asikir binti Mamat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Maniam, Jayanthy (2002) Magnetic resonance image search database system using active shape modeling technique / by Jayanthy Maniam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Manickam, Vaani (2002) City branding : exploring city brand of Kuala Lumpur / Vaani Manickam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mariana, Mohamed Sam (2002) Doa-doa / Mariana Mohamed Sam. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mark, Anand Solomon (2002) A study on technology region success factors with comparative analysis on the Multimedia Super Corridor / Mark Anand Solomon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Masdianilavati, Mohd Jumari (2002) Sistem Pengurusan Pelajar (Student Administation System-SAS) / Masdianilavati Mohd Jumari. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Masrina , Wijee (2002) Sistem maklumat pembayaran zakat / Masrina Wijee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Masron, Tajul Ariffin (2002) Kajian empiris ke atas perhubungan pelaburan langsung asing, tabungan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi / Tajul Ariffin Masron. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mastura, Ariffin (2002) Intelligent marking system for structured question/ Mastura Ariffin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mastura, Arifin (2002) Intelligent marking system for structured question / Mastura Arifin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mat, Zawiah (2002) Peranan agama Islam dan kesannya ke atas perkembangan peradaban umat Islam khususnya di alam Melayu / Zawiah binti Hj. Mat. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mat Adnan, Hasnah (2002) Analisis tautan dan runtutan dalam teks klasik dan moden / Hasnah binti Mat Adnan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mau, Soke Ling (2002) The relationship between stock returns and inflation in Malaysia / Mau Soke Ling. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Md. Rasip, Osman (2002) Pemikiran Abul A'la Al Maududi dan pembentukan peradaban Islam di benua kecil India / Osman bin Md. Rasip. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Megat Khamaruddin, Putri Nadzrul Faizura (2002) Compostability of degradable plastics and its use in solid waste disposal / Putri Nadzrul Faizura bt Megat Khamaruddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Min Ke Qin, Omar (2002) Ethical values of Islam and Confucianism : a comparative study Min, Omar Ke Qin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Mohamad, Khairul Azhar (2002) Kesenian Melayu tradisional di Terengganu : suatu kajian daripada perspektif Islam / Khairul Azhar Mohamad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohamad Noh, Zulkifli (2002) Pandangan para pelajar terhadap kursus Tamadun Islam dan Asia (TITAS) di IPTA : suatu kajian kes di Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darulaman / Zulkifli bin Mohamad Noh. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohamad Zaki, Ibrahim (2002) E-jenayah ancaman alaf digital / Mohamad Zaki Ibrahim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohamed Rayis, Shadia Aldelgadir (2002) In vitro mutation induction by gamma irradiation for the improvement of a triploid banana pisang berangan (AAA) / Shadia Abdelgadir Mohamed Rayis. PhD thesis, University of Malaya. .
Mohammad Ghazali, Abdul Rahman (2002) Sistem Map Interaktif-Universiti Malaya / Mohammad Ghazali Abdul Rahman. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti of Malaya.
Mohammad Kamal, Mohd Nor (2002) Sistem Perpustakaan Maya FSKTM (FSKTM VirLib) / Mohammad Kamal Mohd Nor. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd Ali, Norinah (2002) Kajian mengenai literasi komputer di kalangan pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi Universiti Malaya / Norinah binti Mohd Ali. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd Arop, Nor Hafizah (2002) IT and productivity in Malaysia : firm-level evidence / Nor Hafizah Mohd. Arop. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd Fakhruddin, Fathiyah (2002) Pembangunan akhlak remaja menurut al-Quran : kajian tentang pendekatannya terhadap pelajar tingkatan empat di sekolah-sekolah menengah di Ampang, Selangor Darul Ehsan / Fathiyah Mohd Fakhruddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Hamri, Md Yusuf (2002) Sistem pengurusan minit mesyuarat / Mohd Hamri Md Yusuf. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Hamri, Md Yusuf (2002) Sistem pengurusan minit mesyuarat / Mohd Hamri Md Yusuf. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Idham , Ismail (2002) e-DI@RY / Mohd Idham Ismail. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Lafiz, Mohd Nor (2002) Laman Web Jawatankuasa Peristilahan Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat (LWJP) / Mohd Lafiz Mohd Nor. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Lafiz, Mohd Nor (2002) Laman web jabatankuasa peristilahan sains komputer dan teknologi maklumat (LWJP) / Mohd Lafiz Mohd Nor. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Mokhtar, Ros Aiza (2002) Pemikiran Ali Shariati tentang ketamadunan / oleh Ros Aiza Mohd Mokhtar. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd Nizam, Mohd Noh (2002) Sistem jadual waktu elektronik / Mohd Nizam Mohd Noh. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Nizam , Ayub (2002) Interactive multimedia learning arithmetic and IQ / Mohd Nizam Ayub. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Noor, Jalaludin; Hanafiah, Khairuddin (2002) Islamic banking and Takaful : the development and future challenges in Malaysia / Jalaludin bin Mohd Noor & Khairuddin bin Hanafiah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Mohd Sahrizal , Sapiran (2002) Sistem Maklumat Eksekutif-Program mentor / Mohd Sahrizal Sapiran. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Said, Khairul Faezi (2002) Analisis perlaksanaan siasah syar'iyyah di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan, Jabatan Undang-undang, Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA), kajian dari tahun 1997-2000 / Khairul Faezi Mohd Said. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Sarim, Hafiz (2002) The effectiveness of detection methods in intrusion detection systems / by Hafiz bin Mohd Sarim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Mohd Saud Ayutollah, Abdul Manan (2002) Sistem aduan kerosakan komputer FSKTM / Mohd Saud Ayutollah Abdul Manan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Shaeful Fahmi , Jamil (2002) Sistem pendaftaran atas talian persatuan kebajikan / Mohd Shaeful Fahmi Jamil. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Shahman , Samsul Ambia (2002) Password authentication using biometric function (voice/speaker recognition) / Mohd Shahman Samsul Ambia. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Shamzuri , Mohd Nor (2002) Sistem e-Hospital / Mohd Shamzuri Mohd Nor. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Shazwim, S. Hamid Marican (2002) Laman web Info Unix / Mohd Shazwim S. Hamid Marican. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Yuszaidy (2002) Tabuhan dalam ensembel muzik membranofon Melayu Kelantan dan Campa / Mohd Yuszaidy Mohd Yusoff. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd Zulfikar Lufti , Zainal Abidin (2002) Sistem Helpdesk / Mohd Zulfikar Lufti Zainal Abidin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Mohd. Kiram, Norazlina (2002) Kiasan Melayu dalam pengucapan awam : satu kajian teks ucapan / Norazlina Mohd. Kiram. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mohd. Nor, Hamizan (2002) Akad al-Bay Bi Thaman Ajil di Bank Rakyat mengikut perspektif undang-undang kontrak Islam / Hamizan Mohd Nor. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Muhamad, Marziana (2002) Sikap dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap risalah periklanan / Marziana Muhamad. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Muhammad Hadafi, Ahmad Zaki (2002) Pengenalan kepada PC / Muhammad Hadafi Ahmad Zaki. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Muhammad Nazim , Ibrahim (2002) Sistem pakar pergigian / Muhammad Nazim Ibrahim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Muhd. Yamani, Idna Idris (2002) A VHDL implementation of bist technique in UART design / Muhd. Yamani Idna Idris. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Murugan, Nadarajah (2002) Pakej matematik pintar asas algebra / Murugan Nadarajah. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Murugesan, Vinodini (2002) Katharina's volte-face : self-discovery in Shakespeare's the Taming of the shrew / Vinodini Murugesan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Musa, Norhafizah (2002) Peranan institusi dakwah dalam menangani masalah murtad di Lembah Klang / Norhafizah binti Musa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Mustafa, Fazliyana (2002) Kepentingan kepimpinan Tun Perak dalam Kesultanan Melayu Melaka / Fazliyana binti Mustafa. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mustafa, Siti Ezaleila (2002) Kedai buku dalam talian : strategi baru dalam pemasaran buku / Siti Ezaleila Mustafa. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Mustakim, Fuziah (2002) The attitude of secondary school students to the use of pop songs in the ESL class / by Fuziah Mustakim. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Nadarajah, Janitha (2002) The impact of the 1997 economic crisis on the labour market in Malaysia / Janitha Nadarajah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Nadia Akmar , Mohammed Chudi (2002) Pakej 'Dengarlah Sayang' / Nadia Akmar Mohammed Chudi. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nadiah , Azis (2002) Sistem Maklumat Sekolah Pintar / Nadiah Azis. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nageswary , Gannapathy (2002) Verification the performance of Microsoft SQL Server / Nageswary Gannapathy. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nayagam, Christina Shanti (2002) Level set segmentation of MR images for extraction of femur bone and tissues / by Christina Shanti Nayagam. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Ng, Ai Ling (2002) The economic impact of Proton / Ng Ai Ling. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ng, Eng Seong (2002) Electronic document delivery system (EDDS) / Ng Eng Seong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ng, Kok Keong (2002) Kajian imej etnik lain dalam cerpen-cerpen Mahua (1970an-1990an) / Ng Kok Keong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ng, Koon Lee (2002) Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis Repository System / Ng Koon Lee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ng , Han Teck (2002) Using smart card to purchase text information from digital library / Ng Han Teck. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ng , Yih Young (2002) Real-time whiteboard / Ng Yih Young. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nik Ali, Nik Asilah (2002) Rawatan kaunseling terhadap penagih dadah di Rumah Pengasih Kuala Lumpur : satu kajian perbandingan dengan Islam / Nik Asilah binti Nik Ali. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Nik Noraini, Nik Farid (2002) Conference Management System / Nik Noraini Nik Farid. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nimalan Christopher , Ananda Rajah (2002) Aviation Expert System / Nimalan Christopher Ananda Rajah. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nittihirawati , Mohd Zain (2002) Sistem Multimedia Bedtime Stories / Nittihirawati Mohd Zain. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nohur, Beebee Rosida (2002) Does the export-led growth hypothesis hold for Malaysia? / Nohur Beebee Rosida. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya..
Noor Azmira, Othman (2002) Pasar mini elektronik (e – Pasar mini) / Noor Azmira Othman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nooriza , Haidzir (2002) Sistem perpustakaan berasaskan web (SYSMARC) Modul: Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) / Nooriza Haidzir. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nor Aliza, Mohd Amin (2002) Sistem buku resipi bermultimedia smartcook / Nor Aliza Mohd Amin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nor Azlina, Nasrudin (2002) Pakej E-Learning UPSR Matematik / Nor Azlina Nasrudin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nor Azlina, Othman (2002) Kiosk pintar haji dan umrah / Nor Azlina Othman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nor Edelina, Mazlin Idrus (2002) Sistem maklumat latihan industri / Nor Edelina Mazlin Idrus. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norahizan , Ibrahim (2002) E-Persatuan / Norahizan Ibrahim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norazlinah , Kamarudin (2002) Pakej pembelajaran warna interaktif kanak-kanak Kids & Colors (K&C) / Norazlinah Kamarudin. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Norfaqurah , Zulkafli (2002) Rekabentuk antaramuka pengguna bagi jadual waktu I / Norfaqurah Zulkafli. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norhaidah , Abd. Ghani (2002) Sistem Kawalan Vending Machine (VMCS) / Norhaidah Abd. Ghani. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norhamimi , Othman (2002) Keberkesanan penggunaan laman web perpustakaan Universiti Malaya di kalangan kakitangan akademik / Norhamimi Othman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norharizal , Ishak (2002) Sistem Pengurusan Minit Mesyuarat (SiMM) / Norharizal Ishak. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Norhaslinda, Mahamud (2002) Sistem nota guru: Kajian kes di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tengku Ampuan Jemaah, Pelabuhan Klang / Norhaslinda Mahamud. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norhayati, Suzari (2002) The Human Skeletal Multimedia System / Norhayati Suzari. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Norzalina, Hamzah (2002) Opac 123 smart searching library system / Norzalina Hamzah. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nunis, Patricia Rita (2002) Organisational diagnostics and planned organisational change : an application of an adapted version of soft system methodology ; the case for a private healthcare institution / Patricia Rita Nunis. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Nur Fadhlinawati, Said (2002) Sistem maklumat pesakit / Nur Fadhlinawati Said. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Nurul Laili , Mohamed Yahya (2002) Sistem penjanaan soal selidik secara atas talian (SPSSAT) / Nurul Laili Mohamed Yahya. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Oh , Chun Siang (2002) e-Sekolah (Sistem Rekod Pelajar) Fakulti Sains Komputer & Teknologi Maklumat Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur / Oh Chun Siang. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Omar, Abdul Rahim (2002) Jawi Character Recognition / Omar Abdul Rahim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Omar, Mohd Basyir (2002) Perjanjian jual beli rumah mengikut perspektif undang-undang Muamalah Islam / Mohd Basyir bin Omar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Omar, Rohayu (2002) Bon Islam : kajian ke atas bon mudharabah Cagamas / Rohayu Omar. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ong, Christine Boon Hwee (2002) Quality of tap water in 20 selected areas in Selangor / Christine Ong Boon Hwee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ong, Kui Hua (2002) Laluan Maritim Ho Chi Minh : penyusupan ketenteraan ke Vietnam Selatan sepanjang perang Vietnam, 1959-1975 / Ong Kui Hua. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ong, Yen Horng (2002) Dealership E-Commerce Development Project (Configurable Web-Site Template - Webecommerce) / Ong Yen Horng. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ong , Suh Pun (2002) FSKTM course scheduling system / Ong Suh Pun. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ooi, Ai Lin (2002) Effects of fish cage aquaculture on the zooplankton in a Malaysian mangrove estuary / Ooi Ai Lin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ooi, Huay Shien (2002) KLSE stocks reaction to bonus and rights issues / Ooi Huay Shien. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ooi, Ling Sern (2002) Automated Scheduling System for FCSIT / Ooi Ling Sern. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Ooi , Chon Hui (2002) Dealership e-Commerce package (e-Payment system) / Ooi Chon Hui. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Osman, Abdullah (2002) A study on effectiveness of training and maintenance of competency towards trade efficiency and quality in the army / Abdullah bin Osman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Osman, Ahmad Sabri (2002) Sistem pendidikan Islam : suatu kajian tentang penghayatannya di kalangan mahasiswa Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Kampus Arau, Perlis / Ahmad Sabri bin Osman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Osman, Maimunah (2002) International Standard Organisation (ISO) : keberkesanan memenuhi kehendak pelanggan ; satu kajian kes di Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) / oleh Maimunah Osman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Othman, Roslan; Hussain , Nordin; Abu, Zakaria (2002) Pengajian Sarjana Pengurusan dan sumbangan terhadap pengurusan pasukan dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia / Roslan bin Othman, Nordin bin Hussain, Hj Zakaria bin Hj Abu. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Padmasiri, Thenabadu (2002) Education and training of teacher librarians in sri langka / Padmasiri Thenabadu. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Peng, Liew Toh (2002) Persistence of profits : intra-and inter-sector comparisons / Liew Toh Peng. Other thesis, Universiti of Malaya.
Perumal, Sanger (2002) Personality of successful entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial performance : the extent to which Indian entrepreneurs` personality relations to entrepreneurial performance / Sanger Perumal. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Peter, Leong Choon Heng (2002) Organisational diagnostics and planned organisational change : an application of an adapted version of soft system methodology : a case study on X Engineering Sdn. Bhd. / Peter Leong Choon Heng. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Poh, Tiong Fock (2002) Supply chain management in manufacturing industry : a study of the implementation strategy of XYZ Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd. / Poh Tiong Fock. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ponnusamy, P. Raman (2002) The impact of bond ratings on equity market : Malaysian experience / P. Raman A/L Ponnusamy. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Prede, Siang (2002) Adat dalam masyarakat Bidayuh : peranan dan sumbangan dalam mencorakkan tamadun pribumi Sarawak / Siang anak Prede. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Premjit , Singh Dulku (2002) Intergration of Smart Healthcare Information Systems / Premjit Singh Dulku. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Premjit Singh , Dulku (2002) Integration of Smart Healthcare Information System / Premjit Singh Dulku. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Pung, Swee Yong (2002) Formation of copper dots in copper decoration technique / Pung Swee Yong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
R. Karapayah, Talagavathi (2002) Bank consolidation as a strategic response to the banking crisis : an analysis of the choice of anchor banks / Talagavathi a/p R. Karapayah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Rahid, Mohd Radzuan (2002) Qualities and competencies needed for successful overseas posting : the views of Malaysian expatriates / Mohd Radzuan bin Rahid. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Rahman, Abdul (2002) Dasar pertahanan Israel dan strategi perluasan wilayah ; kajian tentang perang Arab-Israel tahun 1967 / Abdul Rahman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Rajan, Jeyalakshmi (2002) Niche market and customer analysis for the introduction of a potential new pharmaceutical product in peninsular Malaysia / Jeyalakshmi Rajan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Rajapaksa, Rajapaksa Pathirannahelage Rathanasiri (2002) Determinants of inflows of foreign direct investment in selected Southeast Asian countries / Rajapaksa Pathirannahelage Rathanasiri Rajapaksa. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Ramasamy, Kanageswary (2002) Kesan AFTA ke atas industri kereta nasional (Malaysia) / oleh Kanageswary a/p Ramasamy. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya. .
Rashidah, Yaakop (2002) Sistem Maklumat Bantuan / Rashidah Yaakop. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Razlin Dawina , Abdul Razak (2002) Bilingual Translation System (BTS) / Razlin Dawina Abdul Razak. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Regina Tay , Regina Tay (2002) Interactive Mathematics Learning System (Smartmath) / Regina Tay Li Ling. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Rekha Nair , C.Gamgadharan Nair (2002) Spot IT internal intranet website / Rekha Nair C.Gamgadharan Nair. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Rinizah, Razali (2002) Laman web cahaya mata / Rinizah Razali. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Rogers, Roy Anthony (2002) The Turkics of Xinjiang : nationalism and Chinese subjugation (1756-1997) / Roy Anthony Rogers. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Rose Zaimi , Mohamed Zaid (2002) Siri indeks al-Quran: Surah An-Nas (SIASA) / Rose Zaimi Mohamed Zaid. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Rozilawati, Jidin (2002) Sistem maklumat penduduk dan sosiologi kampung (smpsk) / Rozilawati Jidin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Rushdan, Mamat (2002) Sistem jadual pusat asasi sains(SJWPAS)/ Rushdan Mamat. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Saad, Zuraida (2002) Pentadbiran harta penama di institusi-institusi kewangan di Malaysia : satu kajian mengikut perspektif undang-undang Islam / by Zuraida binti Saad. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Saifullah, Saifullah (2002) Rausyanfikir : analisis terhadap pemikiran Ali Syari'ati tentang peranan intelektual muslim / by Saifullah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Salhafiza, Md. Salim (2002) Sistem belajar dan menulis Jawi / Salhafiza Md. Salim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Samuel, Vijayalakshmi Benjamin (2002) An analytical hierarchy process (AHP) assessment of the ISO 14001-based environmental management system in the oil and gas industry in Malaysia / Vijayalakshmi Benjamin Samuel. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Sankupellay, Mangalam (2002) Material classification of magnetic resonance images using neural fuzzy technique and fuzzy neural technique / by Mangalam Sankupellay. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Saravanabavan, Ramasamy (2002) System for analyzing medical data / Saravanabavan Ramasamy. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
See, Chuan Kiat (2002) Online Postgraduate Course Registration and Payment System at FSKTM / See Chuan Kiat. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
See, Chun Kiat (2002) Online postgraduate course registration and payment system at FSKTM, UM / See Chun Kiat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
See, Miin (2002) The determinants of private college tuition fees : a hedonic approach / See Miin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Semeren Kaur , Jaswanth Singh (2002) Multimedia Teaching Package-Teaching XML / Semeren Kaur Jaswanth Singh. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Shanmugam, J.R. (2002) Stereotypes in the language of beauty product advertisements / Jaya Ranee d/o Shanmugam. Masters thesis, Universiti of Malaya.
Shay, Briana Lenore (2002) "And there I found myself more truly and more strange" : narratives of return in contemporary Malaysian and Singaporean literature / Briana Lenore Shay. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sheikh Abdul Samad, Najib (2002) Al-Baqilani wa-ara'uhu fi sifat Allah / Najib Sheikh Abdul Samad. Masters thesis, Academy of Islamic Studies.
Sheikh Ali Nur, Hassan (2002) The Horn of Africa : regional security crisis and the possibility of a security framework / by Hassan Sheikh Ali Nur. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sho, Hock Chuan (2002) Homepage template for academic / Sho Hock Chuan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Siahaan, Elisabet (2002) A monetary analysis of the Indonesian economy / Elisabet Siahaan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Sinar, Tengku Silvana (2002) Phasal and experiental realisations in lecture discourse : a systematic functional analysis. PhD thesis, University of Malaya.
Siti Azrina, Abd Aziz (2002) Pakej pembelajaran untuk kanak-kanak / Siti Azrina Abd Aziz. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Siti Dina , Abu Bakar (2002) Lawatan maya ke Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat / Siti Dina Abu Bakar. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Siti Fatimah , Nor Abu Bakar (2002) Perisian multimedia “Learning basic objects for children" / Siti Fatimah Nor Abu Bakar. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Siti Khadijah, Rosdan (2002) Kamus Bahasa Arab Plus! untuk kanak-kanak / Siti Khadijah Rosdan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Siti Soraya, Abdul Rahman (2002) Computer-supported collaborative knowledge construction learning environment / Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Siti Suzana , Abdul Rahman (2002) Kajian susulan graduan Sarjana Sains Maklumat dan Perpustakaan (MLIS) dari Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Malaya 1997-2001 / Siti Suzana Abdul Rahman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Siva Ahnanthan, Sherena S. (2002) Management of engineering consulting firms in Malaysia : practices and problems / Sherena S. Siva Ahnanthan, Ghee Eng How. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Siva Ahnanthan, Sherena S. (2002) Management of engineering consulting firms in Malaysia : practices and problems / Sherena S. Siva Ahnanthan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Soh , Wilyang (2002) ECS Electronic Cars System / Soh Wilyang. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Soleiman, Aiman Abdalla (2002) Observations and modelling of the near equatorial tropical atmospheric boundary layer / Soleiman, Aiman Abdalla. PhD thesis, University of Malaya. .
Soo , Huey Ling (2002) Restaurant ordering and reservation system / Soo Huey Ling. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Stapa, Ismail (2002) Pembangunan sektor ekonomi informal bandar : kajian tentang penjaja dan penjajaan di Kuala Lumpur / oleh Ismail bin Stapa. PhD thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Subashini, Ramakrishnan (2002) Online licensing system for pharmaceutical service division, ministry of health / Subashini Ramakrishnan. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Suhada , Ahmad (2002) Opahcyber-online / Suhada Ahmad. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sulaiman, Nooraini (2002) Pembinaan peradaban ummah dalam menghadapi cabaran : perjuangan dan pemikiran Sayyid Qutb / Nooraini bt. Sulaiman. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Suliana, Ali (2002) Sistem pakar dietari / Suliana Ali. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Sungkar, Irfan (2002) Krisis Minsky dan kerapuhan sistem kewangan di Indonesia / Irfan Sungkar. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Sutan, Abdul Aziz (2002) Kesalahan-kesalahan bahasa pelajar Sekolah Menengah Cina Persendirian di Selangor / by Abdul Aziz bin Sutan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Suvarna , Supramaniam (2002) Web-based counselling system / Suvarna Supramaniam. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Syamsul Bahri , Jori (2002) Sistem rekod penyewaan video / Syamsul Bahri Jori. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Syed Abd Halim , Syed Ali (2002) Sistem maklumat pengurusan pelajar luar kampus SMPLK versi 1.0 / Syed Abd Halim Syed Ali. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tai, Ching Han (2002) Sales Force Automation (SFA) / Tai Ching Han. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tamanni, Luqyan (2002) Performance of Islamic banking scheme at foreign banks : a Malaysian case study / Luqyan Tamanni. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Tan, Beng Yee (2002) The relationship between ownership structure and firm value in the financial sector / Tan Beng Yee. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Chee Choong (2002) Student Marks Management System (SMMS) / Tan Chee Choong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Chim Tat (2002) Natinonal Education Policy Information System for EPRD Education Planning and Policy Research Division Ministry of Education, Malaysia / Tan Chim Tat. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Chin Kuang (2002) Bus ticket reservation system / Tan Chin Kuang. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Jih Haur (2002) Computer aided learning for chinese phonetics / Tan Jih Haur. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Kien Leong (2002) Online Psychological Testing System (OPTS) / Tan Kien Leong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Lian Kee (2002) An e-Commerce system for sales and purchase order management of machinery hardware / Tan Lian Kee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Poh Aun (2002) Application of GIS as an environmental monitoring tool for ambient air quality / Tan Poh Aun. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan, Swee Ling (2002) School management system / Tan Swee Ling. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Wei-Wey (2002) An analysis of a private-key cryptosystem / by Tan Wei-Wey. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan, Wooi Keng (2002) A broad survey of Web-based Bioinformatics research and data mining using BLAST / by Tan Wooi Keng. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan, Yin Pin (2002) Smart Word-Searching System (SWSS) / Tan Yin Pin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Yin Shuen (2002) Phone directory information system PDIS / Tan Yin Shuen. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan, Yu Jin (2002) Internet information server scanner : scanning on URL vulnerabilities / Tan Yu Jin. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Tan , Kean Yeap (2002) Network monopoly / Tan Kean Yeap. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Tan Ching Soon, Ching Soon (2002) The effects of air sparging on ultrafiltration of whey / Tan Ching Soon. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tee, Chee Kiat (2002) The commercial usage of internet by insurance companies in Malaysia / Tee Chee Kiat. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tee, Sim Hui (2002) The genesis of Feyerabend's 'incommensurability thesis' and its relationship to his philosophy of science and society / Tee, Sim Hui. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Tee Wee Jing, Wee Jing (2002) A genetic algorithm solution to the shortest path problem in OSPF and MPLS / by Tee Wee Jing. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Teh, Boon Heng (2002) Panel Doctor System (PDS) for employee medical information system / Teh Boon Heng. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Teng, Kok Sia (2002) Assessment of pollution load for approved EIA projects in the industrial sector (1988-1998) in Malaysia / Teng Kok Sia. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Teow, Poh Lin (2002) Provision of access to online databases for undergraduates of local private higher education institutions / Teow Poh Lin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tham, Hon Loke (2002) Dynamic modelling of a two-stage ATM Tandem Banyan switch / by Tham Hon Loke. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Tham, Wai Wah (2002) Hybridity in postcolonial discourse: a study of selected plays by Wole Soyinka / Tham, Wai Wah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya .
Tham , Hon Loke (2002) Dynamic modelling of a two-stage ATM Tandem Banyan Switch / Tham Hon Loke. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Thenabadu, Padmasiri (2002) Education and training of teacher librarians in Sri Lanka / Padmasiri Thenabadu. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Theyuanboo, R.M (2002) Cultural identity and diaspora in selected works by K.S. Maniam / Rita Malathi Theyuanboo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Thillainathan, Raja Singam (2002) Issues in implementing IPv6 in the x-kernel simulator / Raja Singam Thillainathan. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Thong, Lee Fah (2002) A study of Benjamin Graham's stock selection criteria in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange / Thong Lee Fah. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tirmizi, - (2002) Analisis pemikiran Islam dalam karya Joesoef Sou'yb / Tirmizi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Too, Ser Ing (2002) Library online request for purchasing reading material system / Too Ser Ing. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Towpek, Hadenan (2002) Analisis keuntungan perbankan Islam di Malaysia dengan tumpuan kepada pengurusan aset dan liabiliti / Hadenan Towpek. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Tung, Yin Wai (2002) An econometric analysis of the relationship between public expenditure and national income in Malaysia / Tung Yin Wai. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Usman, Dedianto (2002) Perlantikan ketua negara : satu kajian perbandingan antara sistem syura dan demokrasi pancasila / Dedianto Usman. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Vadiveloo, Jayaletchumi (2002) Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) dan perhutanan mampan / oleh Jayaletchumi Vadiveloo. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Vejayan, Rajaretnam (2002) Analisa kritis pemikiran India : Kajian kes ke atas sistem astika darshana / Vejayan Rajaretnam. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Vija Kumar, Ganapathy Pillay (2002) Interactive biology learning system (IBLS) / Vija Kumar Ganapathy Pillay. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wahiza, A. Wahab (2002) Creative wizard on web / Wahiza A. Wahab. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wan, Kay Choy (2002) Granger-causality between monetary aggregates and sectoral production in Malaysia / Wan Kay Choy. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Wan Abdul Rashid, Wan Aznainizam Yusri (2002) Organizational diagnostics and planned organizational change : an application of an adapted version of soft system methodology ; a case on Administrative and Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia / Wan Aznainizam Yusri Wan Abdul Rashid. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Wan Azlee, Wan Abdullah (2002) Sistem pengurusan bengkel akademia / Wan Azlee Wan Abdullah. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wan Hashim, Wan Mohamad Marzuqi (2002) Revolusi Islam Iran : satu kajian tentang pertembungan di antara peradaban Islam dan Barat / Wan Mohamad Marzuqi Wan Hashim. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Wan Hassan, Wan Zulkifli (2002) Doktrin Sadd Al-Dhara'i' dan pemakaiannya dalam membendung ajaran sesat : suatu kajian di JAKIM Wan Zulkifli Wan Hassan. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Wan Jamel, Sharifah Fatimah (2002) Pengaruh guru terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Arab : satu kajian kes / Sharifah Fatimah Wan Jamel. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Wan Ramlah, Wan Ibrahim (2002) Sistem pengesanan dan pembetulan ralat menggunakan teknik Hamming Codes dan Cyclic Redundency Check (CRC) (Decoder) / Wan Ramlah Wan Ibrahim. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wee, Chu Kok (2002) Public expenditure on education and income inequality in Malaysia./ Wee Chu Kok. Other thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Wee, Sheau Ping (2002) Sistem fonetik bahasa Mandarin : satu kajian ke atas konsonan initial yang dituturkan di Kuching, Sarawak / Wee Sheau Ping. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Wilhelmina, Ngelambai (2002) First Aid Advisor / Wilhelmina Ngelambai. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wong, Chi Kee (2002) Tourist Information System / Wong Chi Kee. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wong, Choong Leong (2002) Clinic Management Information System (CMIS) / Wong Choong Leong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Wong, Choy Foong (2002) Organizational diagnostics and planned organizational change : a case study on a industrial packaging manufacturing firm - PPSB / Wong Choy Foong. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Wong, Pui Wah (2002) Membrane ultrafiltration of treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) / Wong Pui Wah. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Wong, Sook Ching (2002) The role of government in managing corporate distress after the 1997 financial crisis : theories and case studies of selected Malaysian corporations / Wong Sook Ching. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Wong, Sze Khai (2002) Online Title Management System / Wong Sze Khai. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Woo, Swee Hong (2002) Web-based Counseling System (WBCS) / Woo Swee Hong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Woo, Wei Wei (2002) Digital library of historical buildings in Malaysia (DLHB) / Woo Wei Wei. Undergraduates thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yaacob, Mohamad Yusoff; Mahat, Shaiful Hisham; Mohamed, Daud (2002) Penswastaan kereta turus dan utiliti ATM : persepsi terhadap perkhidmatan dan juga perbandingan kos antara SPANCO dan ATM / oleh Mohamad Yusoff bin Yaacob, Shaiful Hisham bin Hj Mahat, Daud bin Mohamed. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yakob, Mohd Asmadi (2002) Terjemahan tafsir Fi Zilal Al-Quran oleh Yusoff Zaky Yacob : suatu kajian dari aspek metodologi / Mohd Asmadi Yakob. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yang, Kang Yi (2002) A study of perceptions and practices on knowledge management of Malaysian small and medium-sized enterprises / Yang Kang Yi. Masters thesis, University of Malaya. .
Yasni, A. Zainal (2002) Web kiosk panduan lalulintas / Yasni A. Zainal. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Yeo, Sin Fatt (2002) Wireless communications industry of Malaysia / Yeo Sin Fatt. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Yeo, Suat Hui (2002) Housing estate portal based on Internal Value Chain (IVC) Approach / Yeo Suat Hui. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Yeo, Yvonne Hwee Hong (2002) Machine translation from the perspective of relevance theory : an evaluative study / by Yvonne Yeo Hwee Hong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Yeong, Siew Foong (2002) Proportionality of financial ratios and prediction of the company performance of stocks in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange / by Yeong Siew Foong. Masters thesis, Faculty of Business and Accountancy.
Yip, Yew Kwan (2002) Business plan for a Malaysian Premium Cafe / Yip Yew Kwan, Ng Chan Hoen, Lim Choon Weng. Other thesis, University of Malaya.
Yong, Meng Yoong (2002) War and the problem of child soldiers / Yong Meng Yoong. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yong , Teik Hwa (2002) Virtual Multimedia E-tour system / Yong Teik Hwa. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Yoong, Ying Foong (2002) Estimation of the equilibrium exchange rate in Malaysia / Yoong, Ying Foong. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Young , Choon Hoong (2002) Matematik asas for higher education / Young Choon Hoong. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Yunos, Nasruddin (2002) Konsep komunikasi dan peranannya dalam pembinaan peradaban Islam / Nasruddin bin Yunos. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yusof, Azman (2002) Mut'ah : pelaksanaannya menurut Akta Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Wilayah-Wilayah Persekutuan) 1984 / Azman bin Yusof. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Yusoff, Muhammad Saiful Anuar (2002) Al-tasybih dalam bahasa Arab : kajian pemikiran Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani dalam Asrar al-Balaghah / Muhammad Saiful Anuar bin Yusoff. Masters thesis, Universiti Malaya.
Zainal, Mohamad Zabidi (2002) Penggunaan teknologi maklumat (IT) dan penglibatan Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) : satu kajian kes di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri Melekek, Alor Gajah, Melaka / Mohamad Zabidi Zainal. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Zainuddin, Farizah (2002) New insights into business continuity for MCSB Systems Berhad / Farizah Zainuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zainuddin, Zahariah (2002) Hikayat Bahram Syah : transliterasi dan analisis teks / Zahariah binti Zainuddin. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zainul Azhar, Zainal Abidin (2002) Sistem informasi tajaan pengajian (SITP) untuk kegunaan hal-ehwal pelajar UM / Zainul Azhar Zainal Abidin. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Zakaria, Shahizan Affandi (2002) Organisasi bahagian pengkatalogan/pemerosesan teknikal : pelaksanaan masa kini di Malaysia / Shahizan Affandi bin Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya .
Zakaria, Zamzulaila (2002) The role of internal auditors in institutions of higher education : an empirical investigation / Zamzulaila binti Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zakaria, Zarina (2002) Corporate social responsibility reporting of firms listed on the KLSE : empirical evidence / Zarina Zakaria. Masters thesis, University of Malaya.
Zul-Azry, Alias (2002) Sistem tempahan tiket Formula 1 / Zul-Azry Alias. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Zulkurnain, Sarman (2002) E-pembelajaran pakej pembelajaran enkripsi / Zulkurnain Sarman. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
Zuriyana, Hanapi (2002) Sistem pengenalan huruf-huruf jawi menggunakan konsep paparan 7 segmen / Zuriyana Hanapi. Undergraduates thesis, University of Malaya.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 14:59:52 2025 MYT.